Prof. Egara Kabaji

Prof. Egara Kabaji

kabajiContact details

Department of Journalism and Mass Communication

School of Arts and Social Sciences

P.O. Box 190-50100

Kakamega, KENYA

Office no. SPD Block B Room 105

Kakamega-Webuye Road

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Google Scholar: G7zlJywAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao


Prof. Egara Kabaji.

Prof. Egara Kabaji holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and a Masters of Arts Degree from Kenyatta University. He also has a Masters Degree in Business Administration (Strategic Management option) from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT). He obtained his PhD degree from the University of South Africa (UNISA).  He is the only professor of Literary Communication in Kenya. He is both a literary critic and creative writer. Kabaji contributes on a multiplicity of platforms including publications in refereed journals, books, broadcast and print mass media. He is a public intellectual who writes passionately on literature, culture and education. Prof. Kabaji is perhaps one of the most prolific writers of children literature in Kenya with over thirty publications. Prof. Kabaji is a Fulbright Scholar. His latest venture is the establishment of EGARA KABAJI TV, a YouTube Channel dedicated to research and academic content.


His major publications:-


  1. Beryl Teresa Adhiambo, Lydia Anyonje, Egara Kabaji.Communication Strategies Employed By 103.9 MMUST Fm to Capture Listeners’ Attention Regarding COVID-19 Pandemic in Lurambi Sub-County, Kenya. Punblished on 9th November 2024 in African Journal of Empirical Research. DOI:
  2. Egara Kabaji (2018) Qualitative Research Methodology in Social Science Research: Towards Relativist Ontology and Interpretivist-Constructivist Epistemology: The International Journal of Business & Management ISSN 2321–8916
  3. Egara Kabaji & Jack Abebe (2016)Obstacles and Constrains in Practising Knowledge Management Amongst Humanitarian Agencies in Kenya (SSRN) Journal SSRN Electronic Journal
  4. Egara Kabaji Lydia Madete & Evans Kesero (2016) Male Perspective of Women in Meja Mwangi’s The Last Plague: International Journal of Novel Research in Education and Learning Vol. 3, Issue 5, pp: (1-11), Month: September –October
  5. Egara Kabaji & George Kasili (2016) Images of Motherhood in Bukusu Work and Celebratory Songs 1 No. 3 (2016): IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research
  6. Egara Kabaji & Jack Ababe ( 2015) How organisations as enablers of knowledge management systems influence sustainable competitive advantage amongst humanitarian agencies in Kenya, (JIKM) (2015)
  7. Egara Kabaji & Jack Ababe ( 2015) Knowledge management systems that influence sustainable competitive advantage amongst humanitarian agencies in Kenya: The case of information technology systems, (JIKM) (2015)
  8. Egara Kabaji & Katheryn Langat ( 2015) Efficacy of rehabilitation programs in psychosocial adjustment of elderly male offenders in Kakamega main prison Kenya (IJHSS) 2015
  9. Egara Kabaji (2011) Rethinking Pedagogical and Social-Psychological Concerns in Journal of Education and Social Sciences, JESS Vol. 1 No. 1
  10. Egara Kabaji ( 2011) Tribute to the Producer of Books and Bookmen in Journal of Education and Social Sciences, JESS Vol. 1 No. 1
  11. Egara Kabaji ( 2011) Deconstructing and Reconstructing our Recent History: A Review of Francis Imbuga’s; The Return of Mgofu in Journal of Education and Social Sciences, JESS Vol. 1 No. 2,
  12. Egara Kabaji (2010) Composition, Performance and Internalization of the Gender Ideology in the African Folktale in Weavers and Birds: Contemporary Issues and Critical Perspectives in East African Literatures.
  13. Egara Kabaji& Makokha Wanjohi ( 2009) Masculinity and ritual Violence: A study of bullfighting among the Luhyia of western Kenya in Masculinities in contemporary Africa, Edited by Egodi Uchendu Codesria 2009


  1. A Journey to Becoming (Novel) One Planet 2021
  2. Whispers We Shout: Poetic Intimations, (Foreword) InterCEN BOOKS 2021
  3. When I dig my Garden in Soaring above the Pandemic Creative Writers Association of Kenya C-WAK 2020
  4. Eyes of Love in Soaring above the Pandemic Creative Writers Association of Kenya C-WAK 2020
  5. Soaring above the Pandemic (Ed) C-WAK 2020
  6. The Slave Child, Kenya Literature Bureau 2019
  7. Secrets of a Film Star East African Educational Publishers 2019
  8. Letter to God, Kenya Literature Bureau 2018
  9. Simbi at the Market, Kenya Literature Bureau 2014
  10. Wonders and Worries (Poetry Anthology) EAEP 2012
  11. The Strange Man of Sakatin, Kenya Literature Bureau 2018
  12. Mwanasayanzi, Oxford University Press 2012
  13. Back to the Roots, Oxford University Press,
  14. Home at Last, Oxford University Press,
  15. Caught in the wax, Oxford University Press,
  16. Uncle Sese’s, East African Educational Publishers, Nairobi,
  17. The Sunday School Project, East African Educational Publishers,
  18. Chiche na Mwizi wa Redio, East African Educational Publishers, Nairobi,
    1. Kenya
  19. Waganga wa Zayani, East African Educational Publishers, Nairobi,
    1. Kenya
  20. Nyenyeka the Chameleon, East African Educational Publishers 2009
  1. When the Dead Met the Living, Publishamerica, Baltimore,
  2. King of All Fish, Oxford University Press, Nairobi,
  3. The Knife, Oxford University Press, Nairobi,
  4. The Crying Stone, Oxford University Press, Nairobi,
  5. The Magical Bird of Navuhi, East African Educational Publishers, Nairobi,


  1. Jomo Kenyatta: The Father of Harambee. Sasa Sema Publishers, Nairobi 2004


  1. Egara Kabaji (2016) The World of Poetry, Foreword to Through the Journey of Hope Writers Guild Kenya.
  2. Egara Kabaji (2014) Betrayal in the City: A Workbook, East African Educational Publishers.
  3. Egara Kabaji (2012) Introduction to Romeo and Juliet, (African Edition), East African Educational Publishers,
  4. Egara Kabaji (2008) The River Between: A Workbook: Mvule Africa Publishers, Nairobi, Kenya
  5. Egara Kabaji (2008) An Enemy of the People: A Workbook, East African Educational Publishers, Nairobi, Kenya
  6. Egara Kabaji (2007) Introduction to An Enemy of the People: The African Edition East African Educational Publishers, Nairobi Kenya 2007
  7. Egara Kabaji (2003) A Guide to Francis Imbuga’s Aminata: Africa wide Network, Nairobi
  8. Egara Kabaji (1999) Review of Sitwala Imenda’s Unmarried Wife in Chemi Chemi, an International Journal of Arts and social sciences Vol. 1
  9. Egara Kabaji (1998) ‘Introduction au Roman Kenya” in Le Kenya Contemporain I.F.R.A.


  1. Egara Kabaji (1997)The Search for True Democracy in Kenya” A Literary Essay in Writers Speak, Writers Association of Kenya.
  2. Egara Kabaji (1994)Africa’s’ Leadership problems Revisited: A Review of Paul Conton's Price. of Liberty. In Writers Forum Vol. 2


  1. Egara Kabaji (2020) The Role of Folk Media in Peace Building: Folk Story Telling Tradition as a Site for Peaceful Negotiation for Gender Harmony in African Families,
  2. Egara Kabaji &Lucy Mandillah (2016) Gender Perspectives and Human Rights in the Language of Advertising: A Case of Print and Electronic Media in Kenya. In Media and Information Literacy: Reinforcing Human Rights, Countering Radicalisation and Extremism Ed. Jagtar Singh et al UNESCO.
  3. Egara Kabaji (2009) Social-Cultural Processes and Ideologies. Chapter in Drivers and Maintainers of Poverty in Kenya. A Research Agenda, University of Nairobi Press.
  4. Egara Kabaji (2007) The Façade of Political Installations and The Misappropriation of Power. Paper in Jahazi A Journal of Culture Arts Performance.
  5. Egara Kabaji (2001) Reflections on the Relevance of Daisaku Ikeda’s ideas in Glass Children and other stories” Chapter in Daisaku Ikeda and Africa. University of Nairobi press.
  6. Egara Kabaji (1997) Women In Development, Friends of the Book Foundation and Zapf-Chancery-Kenya.


  1. Egara Kabaji & Benard Misigo ( 2015) ECDE General Psychology KLB 2015 (Book)
  2. Egara Kabaji (2007) New Horizons in Pedagogy, MMUST Press 2013
  3. Egara Kabaji (2007) Sport on Comprehension, Oxford University Press, Nairobi,
  4. Egara Kabaji (2007) Test it Fix it, Oxford University Press, Nairobi


  1. 2020-2021: Established a special Youtube channel dedicated to Educational Content: EGARA KABAJI TV (With over one hundred publication) KABAJI TV


  1. Charles Mangua in Dictionary of African Biographies, Oxford University Press, 2010. Edited by Robert Repino
  2. Okot p’ Bitek in Dictionary of African Biographies, Oxford University Press, 2010. Edited by Robert Repino
  3. Ole Kulet Henry in Dictionary of African Biographies, Oxford University Press, 2010. Edited by Robert Repino
  4. Tales of Genocide in African Folklore: An Encyclopedia Edited by Philip M.Peek and Kwesi Yankah, Routledge, New York London, 2004
  5. Ten Entries in The Encyclopaedia of Post-Colonial Literatures in English On African writers: Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Charles Mangua, Peter Nazareth, Sam Kahiga, Okot P’ Bitek, Meja Mwangi, Richard Ntiru,  Austin Bukenya, Anthologies Published in Eastern Africa, and Grace Ogot 2001


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