School of Natural Sciences

Ronaldo Okoth Oduor - Industrial Attachment at the Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Project (KCSAP)


Ronaldo okoth oduor, an undergraduate student pursuing Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with IT in the Department of Mathematics(School of Natural Sciences-MMUST) on Industrial Attachment at the Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Project (KCSAP Siaya - County) under the mentorship of the Mathematicians Dr.Micheal Ojiema and Dr.Joyce Kagendo (MMUST), in May to July 2021.

“During my attachment in KCSAP Siaya county, I successfully learnt the processes of Data Analysis and data cleaning process and how to write Agricultural Impact Assessment Reports from farmers. I also got to learn how items for 5 value chains in the 6 wards are being procured from different contractors and suppliers. During my field work I also learnt how to collect data using questionear. [My mentors we friendly and always advice you whenever they see a place you need to improve in.''

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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology