School of Natural Sciences

Langat Edwin - Industrial Attachment at the Bomet Water Company (BOMWASCO-Bomet County)


1Langat Edwin, an Undergraduate student pursuing Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology in the Department of Biological Sciences (School of Natural Sciences-MMUST) on Industrial Attachment at the Bomet Water Company (BOMWASCO-Bomet County) under the mentorship of the sewerage and water expert, Mr. Kipkoech Korir and Dr. Humphrey Agevi (MMUST), in June 2021. 

“During my attachment at BOMWASCO – Bomet, I successfully learnt the processes of maintaining a sewerage system, water treatment, sample collection and solid waste management. The experience has been satisfactory given that the acquired skills at the University are put into action in the Company especially the microbiology knowledge. 

The relationship between the community and the workers of the Company is favorable since the project is thought to affect the community in many ways,” he said.


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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology