School of Natural Sciences

John Maribi - Industrial Attachment at KALRO, Food Crops Research Centre, Njoro, Nakuru County

KALRO4John Maribi, an undergraduate student pursuing Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology in the Department of Biological Sciences (School of Natural Sciences-MMUST) on Industrial Attachment at the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), Food Crops Research Centre at Njoro in Nakuru County under the mentorship of the Microbiologist Mr. Cyrus Kimani and Mr. Nicholas Kitungulu (MMUST), in July 2021.

“During my attachment at KALRO-Njoro, I was able to gain more skills on the concept of detecting viral pathogens in food crops mainly wheat, maize and cassava. I also got more skills on the process of DNA extraction mainly on plants. The industrial attachment provided me with a great opportunity for hands-on experience in handling advanced laboratory equipment” he said. Mr. Kitungulu said “The institution has great labs and proper equipment which can help the students who mostly persue Biotechnology, and it is among the best places for training our students”.

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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology