School of Natural Sciences

Maiyo Jepchirchir - Industrial Training at the Malava Forest Station

kfsMaiyo Jepchirchir is an undergraduate student pursuing Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Natural Resource Management in the Department of Biological Sciences (School of Natural Sciences-MMUST) on industrial attachment at the Malava Forest Station (Kakamega County) under the mentorship of the forester Madam Rhoda N. Ombwara, Beneah Barasa, Prof. William Shivoga and Dr. Humphrey Agevi (MMUST), in june 2021.

“During my attachment in Malava Forest, I successfully learnt how to assess and monitor forests, maintain a nursery and also to differentiate the different types of trees in a forest i.e exotic and indigenous trees"

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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology