School of Natural Sciences

Tony Ochieng Otieno - Industrial Attachment at the Kenya Forest service- Maseno Forest Station

tonyTony Ochieng Otieno, an undergraduate student pursuing Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science in the Department of Biological Sciences (School of Natural Sciences-MMUST) on Industrial Attachment at the Kenya Forest service- Maseno Forest Station (Nyanza Conservancy) under the mentorship of the Ecosystem Conservator Mr. William Shikuku and Mr. Zedekiah Odira and Dr. Mario Kollenberg (MMUST), in June 2021.

“During my attachment in KFS-Maseno forest station, I successfully learnt tree nursery establishment and management. I also got to learn tree seed technology, seed inventory, plantation establishment and management, soil analysis, office operations and field operations like assessment of damaged trees and those to be harvested."

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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology