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MOU between MMUST and Kenya National Chamber Of Commerce –Kakamega Chapter

Brief description

By virtue of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the parties confirm their intent to contribute in the following:

  • Exploring the business opportunities around Kakamega County through conducting
  • research and surveys.
  • Promoting entrepreneurship among the youth and women especially the university and
  • college going students to embrace business.
  • Conducting market surveys that can support joint efforts with the county government to
  • support businesses.
  • Supporting value addition projects in the agribusiness sector.
  • Exploring the possibility of setting up joint Business SME Hub that will offer business
  • support services and promotion of e-commerce in the county.
  • Organization of joint workshops and conferences

Period of operation

 First signed in February 2015 –December 2020.

Renewed in December 2020 –December 2025

Kenya National Chamber Of Commerce –Kakamega Chapter

Contact details


The Chairman

The Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Kakamega Chapter

P.O Box 1239 – 50100


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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