Partnerships and Collaborations

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MOU between MMUST and West Kenya Sugar Company Limited

Brief description

This MOU focuses on the following areas of collaboration:

  • To boost provision of higher education through research, education, training and technological development in the areas of agriculture, science, education, cooperate governance, management, engineering, technology and related fields.
  • To provide an instrument for establishing various collaborative initiatives for the growth and mutual benefit of the two institutions and the society as reflected in this MOU.
  • To enhance professional skills for staff in both institutions through training, staff and students interactions and exchange of experiences and information
  • To collaborate in the provision of outreach and extension services to the community
  • To collaborate in marketing of the products of the university and the Sugar Company and enhancing the public image of both institutions.

Period of operation

February 2020 –February 2025

West Kenya Sugar Company Limited 

Contact details

The Managing Director

West Kenya Sugar Company                                                

P.O. Box 2101-50100  

KAKAMEGA, KENYA                                                                                        

Fax 056-20895/30555

TEL: +254-(20)-203620/30/10


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