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MOU between MMUST and GIZ Support To Refugees And Host Communities Project (SRHC)

Brief description

By virtue of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the parties confirm their intent to contribute in the following:

  1. To pay fees for GIZ selected mediation students as provided for in the course fee structure accordingly to MMUST as will be agreed upon by the two parties.
  2. To mobilize the mediators to apply individually online to obtain the admission letters.
  3. To obtain admission letters from the admitted student and share the list with the MMUST by way of an official letter.
  4. To notify and inform both RAS and UNHCR about the selected mediators to undertake studies in MMUST Kakuma campus within two (2) weeks before the date of lectures commencement.
  5. To notify and inform the police about the selected refugee students to undertake studies in MMUST Kakuma Campus for ease of movement in case of late hours classes beyond the time set for the curfew.
  1. To provide curriculum and material that will educate and prepare the Refugee students for careers in fields specified and determined by GIZ-SRHC, and to foster in students learning skills essential for continued learning and serving others in their life.
  2. To be responsible for the security of the students while in the university
  3. To be responsible for discipline and wellbeing of students at the university
  4. To be responsible for administration of exams (both internal and external) as prescribed by the college management and relevant examination governing bodies.
  5. To provide the GIZ-SRHC with necessary information regarding available courses, fees structure and other requirements for admission at least three (3) months before the actual date for intake to enable it to notify the mediators the available relevant peace conflict resolution courses
  6. To issue the selected candidates with admission letters detailing the course they have been selected to attend and the requirements for admission.
  7. To furnish monthly student attendance sheet to the GIZ-SRHC
  8. To transfer unspent school fees to another GIZ-SRHC sponsored student on prorate basis in the following circumstances:
  1. In event that the student is dropped/drops from the scholarship programme due to poor performance.
  2. In the event that the student relocates from Kenya as a result of repatriation or voluntary return to the country of origin.
  1. To process and award certification, recognized by the Government of Kenya, to the students who qualify as per their curriculum.

Period of operation

November 2019 –November 2024

GIZ Support To Refugees And Host Communities Project (SRHC)

Contact details

The Programme Directo



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P. O. BOX 190-50100, Kakamega

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