Partnerships and Collaborations

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MOU between MMUST and Automobile Association of Kenya (AAK)

Brief description
This MOU focuses on the following areas of collaboration:
 Effectively and efficiently serve their covenants by encouraging joint activities and
promoting the sharing of tools and resources, including the sharing of training
materials and access to journal databases;
 Jointly offer certificates to students who have completed the training course at nocost.
 Cost share in renovation of classes and office for the driving school
 Conduct joint research activities which could be multi-center and or multi countryand or in collaboration with other MMUST and AAK partners;
 Share the cost of any joint venture that they shall engage in during the tenure of this agreement and at such ratios as shall be agreed upon from time to time;
 Observe all rules and regulations governing the use of MMUST and AAK facilities, teaching equipment and materials that may be used in connection with the activities of these programmes. Equipment bought for specific research/training for students shall be owned by the purchasing institution;
 Keep each other fully indemnified at all times against all damages to, or loss of, any equipment or facilities belonging to the respective institutions that may result from the negligence of their agents and/or servants during the implementation of all or any other objects of this agreement;
 Ensure that only qualified personnel participate in the projects/activities set in the memorandum of understanding (MOU), and;
 All data and Intellectual Property generated through this collaborative agreement remains the property of MMUST and AAK. The parties may publish summary data collected as part of this Agreement, provided that each Party will duly recognize the other Party’s contribution to the Programme in any publication.

Period of operation
June 2022- May 2027
Contact Details
Driving School Manager
P.O Box 40087-00100

Nairobi, KENYA

Office Tel: +254 (0) 709333118/720876048

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