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MMUST’s Vice Chancellor and Prof. Winnie Muchera of Ball State University Lead a Community Engagement Exercise at Shivembe Primary School, Tiriki.

We are delighted to inform you that today, Friday 22nd July, 2022, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Igosangwa Shibairo and Prof. Winnie Muchera of Ball State University visited Shivembe Primary School in Shamakhokho Ward, Tiriki East as part of a joint community engagement initiative.  They were accompanied by the Director, International and Academic Linkages (DIAL), Dr. Catherine Aura.



Prof. Solomon Shibairo planting a tree at Shivembe Primary School.

The community engagement involved mentorship, tree planting and vital donations to staff and students. MMUST and Ball State University have been in partnership since 2006. Earlier activities emanating from the partnership include joint conferences, research, as well as staff and students exchange.

 By Dr. Lydia Anyonje

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