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MMUST Joins Ball State University’s Prof. Winnie Muchera Community Engagement Initiative at Shivembe Primary School, Vihiga County

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, led by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, on Friday, 22nd July, 2022, joined Prof. Winnie Muchera of Ball State University in marking the annual community engagement initiative at Shivembe Primary School, Vihiga County.

“MMUST has had a Memorandum of Understanding with Ball State University for more than 10 years. The two Universities have worked together in a number of activities including community outreach,” stated Prof. Solomon Shibairo. The Vice Chancellor assured Prof. Muchera of continued support and urged students to follow in her footsteps. “I hope to see students from Shivembe Primary School do great things in this community and beyond,” he said.

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Speaking during the event, Prof. Muchera mentioned that this initiative, which began in 2005, has seen many children successfully transition to Secondary schools and others go up to the University level. “Through this program, we have been able to pay school fees for top-performing students in order for them to continue with their education. I know the value of education and my wish is to see every child have access to it. Life has become hard and if you are not educated, it becomes more difficult,” she said.

Further, Prof. Muchera stated that aside from paying school fees, the program has been providing Shivembe Primary School with supplies such as uniforms, stationery and medicine. In addition, they have been providing reusable sanitary towels to adolescent girls in the school. It is worth noting that during the event, there was also a tree planting exercise.

Shivembe Primary School Head teacher, Mr. Victor Songole, reiterated that MMUST has been a great partner to the School for a very long time. “Our students are doing very well because of this initiative,” said Mr. Songole. In his speech, he introduced one of the students that has been a beneficiary of the program. “Emmanuel has placed Shivembe on the national map by joining Kabarak University. This is just one of the many students that are a product of Prof. Muchera’s program.”

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Former Shivembe Primary School pupil, Emmanuel, gives his remarks. With him is the School Head teacher, Mr. Victor Songole.

“Prof. Winnie Muchera has set the pace and raised the bar by giving back to this community. Let us continue supporting her so that she can carry on with this noble cause,” stated MMUST’s Director of International Relations and Academic Linkages, Dr. Catherine Aurah, adding that teachers should take such initiatives as an incentive for them to work harder.

The newly appointed Chairperson of the Primary School’s Board of Management, Mr. Lukas Andewa, pointed out that the entire Shivembe community was grateful for what Prof. Muchera’s program has been doing. The outgoing Chairperson, Ms. Elizabeth Sakwa, who was also present during the event, officially handed over the seat to Mr. Andewa. Ms. Sakwa has served in this position for the last six (6) years.

Shivembe Primary School4Shivembe Primary School pupil receives a new uniform from Prof. Winnie Muchera.

Other notable personalities present during the event were; Deputy Governor Vihiga County, Hon. Dr. Patrick Saisi, Kaimosi Friends University College’s Dr. Patrick Agesa, MMUST’s Dr. Zilpa Andiva Kageha, Chairperson of Head teachers (Shamakhokho Zone), Mr. Kennedy Amira, Shivembe Primary School Board members, Vihiga County MCA aspirant, Mr. Richard Muhiga. Kisasi Primary School, Shamakhokho and Shivembe Primary School alumni were also well represented.

Certainly, MMUST is dedicated to supporting initiatives that will see more children go to school regardless of their family backgrounds.

By Mary Wangari Wambugu

Photos by Gabriel Juma 

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