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Prof. George Owuor Lawi Wins the Highly Sought-after Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme ‘trustee’ Elections Seat for Academic Staff

Prof. George Owuor Lawi has today, 2nd July 2022 won the highly coveted Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme ‘Trustee’ seat in elections for academic staff conducted at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) with 103 votes against his competitor’s 83 votes. The Trustee position attracted two contestants; Prof. George Owuor Lawi from the School of Natural Sciences and Mr. Robinson Oduma from the School of Arts and Social Sciences.

Speaking after shaking hands with his competitor Mr. Robinson Oduma, the new Trustee for academic staff Prof. Lawi promised to work very hard together with the team at the Scheme to ensure that it grows and that academic staff can reap the desired benefits during his tenure.

“Thank you for entrusting me with this responsibility. I believe that together, we can make a difference in the Scheme’s fortunes”, he stated.


The two contestants, Prof. George Owuor Lawi and Mr. Robinson Oduma shake hands after the announcement of the election results.

On his part Mr. Oduma conceded defeat and thanked the 83 people who stood with him during this election, promising to work with the new Trustee. “The victory is for all of us as members. Whoever becomes a member of the Pension Board represents all of us. I congratulate my worthy competitor Prof. George Lawi for the victory and for conducting a clean campaign,” said Mr. Oduma.

The voting process which kicked off at 8.20 am was overseen by the Chairperson of the MMUST Trustee Election Board, Prof. Josephine Ngaira and the Kakamega Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) official Mr. Salim Abdala.

Prof. Ngaira who is the Election Returning Officer noted that the officials were trained on 27th July 2022 by the IEBC and rehearsals were done yesterday to ensure credible, fair and free elections.

“The staff who are allowed to vote are academic staff employed on permanent and pensionable terms as at the end of June 2022 payroll while voting requirements are national or staff identity card and police abstracts,” said Prof. Ngaira.


Presiding Officer, Mr. Sammy Kiragu leads the vote counting.

According to the Returning Officer, there was a good voter turnout and the election was carried out in a free and fair manner and the results were credible. After voting, indelible ink is marked on the small last finger of the right hand to identify those who have voted.

The other election officials included Presiding Officers; Mr. Sammy Kiragu and Ms. Irene Peres, Deputy Presiding Officers; Dr. Joseph Owino and Mr. Albert Anguba, Clerks; Ms. Loice Makoo and Mr. Jacob Rotich. The agents representing the two candidates were Mr. Shadrack Opunde, Mr. Nathan Washiali, Dr. Dennis Omayio and Dr. Michael Ojiema. The Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme Secretary, Mr. Bernard Wesonga was also in attendance.


Agents of the candidates keenly following the election process. From right: Mr. Nathan Washiali, Mr. Shadrack Opunde, Dr. Michael Ojiema and Dr. Dennis Omayio.

The agents of both candidates agreed that the election process was smooth, fair, free and therefore credible. Indeed such efficient and professional organization of elections is the hallmark of mature democracy and respect of the rule of law. The MMUST Trustee Election Board and the MMUST academic staff have certainly done us proud!


By Dr. Lydia Anyonje and Linet Owuor

Photos by Wilberforce Shiundu 

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