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Kakamega County to Partner With MMUST and Other Training Institutions to Spur Development, Says Newly Elected Governor H.E FCPA Fernandes Barasa

Kakamega County is set to partner with MMUST and other training institutions to spur development. This was evident during the swearing-in ceremony of the newly elected Governor H.E FCPA Fernandes Odinga Barasa and his deputy Hon. Angatia Ayub Savula on 15th September, 2022 at Bukhungu stadium.


The event was attended by MMUST’s Chairperson of Council, Dr. Musangi Jane Mutua, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo and other notable leaders from the region including, Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Defence/Devolution, Hon. Eugene Wamalwa, His Excellency, Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya and his deputy Prof. Philip Kutima, Senator, Hon. Dr. Bonny Khalwale, former Governor Bungoma County, Hon. Wycliffe Wangamati, Kakamega County Commissioner, Mr. John Ondego and Members of Parliament as well as Members of the County Assembly from the twelve sub-counties. The former Governor Kitui County, Hon. Charity Ngilu was also present during the function.


binaugurationA section of the dignitaries who were present at the ceremony.

In the presence of a team from the judiciary led by Honourable Lady Justice, Dorah Chepkwony, the outgoing Governor, Hon. Wycliffe Oparanya officially handed over the instruments of power to the newly elected Governor,H.E FCPA Fernandes Odinga Barasa. These items included the flag of Kenya as well as that of the County Government, the Constitution of Kenya 2010, County Court of Arms, County Seal and the County Anthem.


Outgoing Governor, Hon. Wycliffe Oparanya officially hands over the instruments of power to the newly elected Governor, H.E FCPA Fernandes Odinga Barasa.

As he took the reign of power, His Excellency Fernandes Barasa promised to focus on the thematic areas of Health, Foods Security, Wealth creation, Education and Good Governance. “I will prioritize Mother’s health, Wealth Creation and Food security. It is here that I am going to direct most of our energy and resources to ensure that we restore the dignity of every resident of Kakamega County to prolong their lives and give them hope,” he said.

The Lady Justice, Dorah Chepkwony, congratulated the outgoing government for a job well done and asked them to continue serving Kenyans in other ways, including guiding the new leadership of Kakamega County. She reminded the incoming government that they have the challenging task of ensuring the continuation of the positive development agenda began by the former leadership.


H.E FCPA Fernandes Odinga Barasa and his deputy Hon. Angatia Ayub Savula display authenticating documents after the swearing in. 

In his last speech as he handed over the instruments of power, His Excellency Oparanya congratulated the second governor of the county for the well-deserved win. Noting the achievements made by his government, he thanked the residents of Kakamega, his team and family who played a key role in making his tenure a success.

The Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Defence/Devolution, Hon. Eugene Wamalwa expressed his delight in celebrating the swearing in of the new leadership with the residents of Kakamega. He congratulated the leadership of the former government, His Excellency Wycliffe Oparanya for making Kakamega the best performing County in the Republic of Kenya. Additionally, he also complimented H. E Oparanya for laying a good foundation for Kakamega County.

“I urge all governors to work together despite their party affiliations. We have one Kenya and we can work together regardless of who we voted for,” he stated.


Outgoing Governor Hon. Wycliffe Oparanya and the incoming Governor H.E FCPA Fernandes Odinga Barasa share a moment.

Speaking at the event, the Senator of Kakamega County, Hon. Dr. Bonny Khalwale thanked the residents who were voters in the just concluded elections and congratulated all elected leaders in the County. “Hon. Oparanya, we have given you space to work for the last ten years. You have done what is humanly possible for a man of your capabilities. I congratulate you,” he added. Hon. Khalwale asked the incoming governor to go ahead and form his administration as he assured him of his support.  

Addressing the crowd, the deputy Governor, Hon. Angatia Ayub Savula, also thanked the residents most specifically for being patient during the postponement of the Kakamega gubernatorial elections. “You gave your results and now it is my turn together with Governor Barasa to hold each other and fill the shoes of the previous leadership. This is not a time for politics but a time for service delivery to the people of Kakamega. I will work hand in hand with our former and current Governors as well as the national government,” he said.

Entertainment cut across songs, poems and dances, as the residents of Kakamega ushered in the new government with excitement.  The incoming leadership was encouraged, congratulated and prayed for through the creative pieces of art. The outgoing government was also appreciated for the great service to the residents.

One, Ms. Dilma Emanuela, a seven-year-old pupil from Booker Academy in Mumias wowed the crowd, challenging both the young and old through a very creative piece ‘A task you have to serve Kakamega’. The piece highlighted sensitive matters including equity and equality for all, health, ‘boda boda’ and ‘mama mboga’, that need the County Government’s attention. “To our first lady, Prof. Kasilly, I salute you mama. Behind every successful man a great woman is present. With your great effort, he has reached this far. We ask you mama to be our eye, ensure he executes the will of Kakamega. A task you have, to serve Kakamega,” she narrated.


Dilma Emanuela, a seven-year-old pupil from Booker Academy in Mumias recites a poem.

Notably, H.E Prof. Janet Nasambu Kassilly Barasa is a Professor of Religion and Culture in the Department of Social Science Education at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. The School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS) has benefited from her unique contribution to curriculum development and research in Theology, Comparative Religion, African Religion and Culture, Religion and Gender.Her new role as First Lady places MMUST in a strategic position to reinforce the County’s development agenda through our research expertise in various capacities. 

Story by Caren Nekesa and Brenda Lusaa 

Photos by Gabriel Juma 

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