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MMUST’s Leading Ecologist Dr. Humphrey Agevi Picked to Join Plan

MMUST’s leading Ecologist and Specialist in Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience, Dr. Humphrey Agevi, has been picked to join the PlanAdapt organization as a Fellow. Dr. Agevi is a lecturer from the Department of Biological Sciences in the School of Natural Sciences (SONAS). The Fellowship is domiciled in Germany and will involve the identified Fellows attending Climate Co-adaptation Lab Weekly meetings every Tuesday where they go through the Lab Opportunity Database (LOD).

Dr. Agevi is one of the only four Fellows selected from Kenya to join the Fellowship. He and other three Fellows will engage in discussing grant proposal bidding, consultancies, getting funding partners to work with, and increasing networks with global organizations that work in the area of climate change adaptation among related thematic areas.

The Climate Co-Adaptation Lab process enables Fellows to collectively earn, learn and grow by offering two tracks – track A (jointly pursuing work opportunities) and track B (jointly developing and advancing research and innovation). While the two tracks are separate, they are mutually supportive and enable Fellows with advisor and consultancy skills (more inclined to track A) and Fellows with research skills (more inclined to track B) to collaborate and learn with and from each other.

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PlanAdapt works with various partners including NAP Global Network, UNDP, GIZ, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation, as well as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) among others. PlanAdapt alliances and networks include Friends of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (FEBA), NATURA, the Nairobi work Programme, and the PCCB network.


PlanAdapt is an independent global network-based organization that provides knowledge services in support of effective economically and socially inclusive climate change adaptation and climate risk management around the world. Their focus is on the Global South where Kenya is included. The organization assembles professionals that are passionately committed to protecting the future of our generation and most importantly the generations to come. Through that, the Fellows are able to earn, learn and grow together for posterity while advancing PlanAdapt's mission.

PlanAdapt engages mostly in projects and initiatives including action-oriented research, effective advisory services, impactful capacity development, learning and training as well as knowledge brokering to walk the ‘last mile’ of knowledge-based services. This reputable organization supports public and private actors to effectively integrate climate risks into their strategies, processes, and projects in relevant sectors, such as Agriculture, Forestry, Water Resource Management, Coastal protection, Human Development, Energy, Infrastructure, Health, and Tourism. Their services are informed by science and practice which recommends a mix of both to solve the practical threats related to climate impacts.

Dr. Agevi and his counterparts will benefit immensely from PlanAdapt.  PlanAdapt will:

Provide the PlanAdapt platform as an administrative and legal framework to apply for funding; Prepare and service regular weekly Lab meetings of the active PlanAdapt Fellows, by managing and maintaining the Lab Opportunity Database (LOD) and provide IT and communication platforms; Support  the smooth collaboration of Ad-Hoc Working Groups, including support calls with WG leads; Offer  to link the outcomes of concept development-focused Ad-Hoc WGs (as part of track B) to PlanAdapt’s institutional fundraising efforts; Access to PlanAdapt’s knowledge systems (including a publication database with many hundreds of selected recent publications on relevant topics).

The link to Dr. Agevi’s profile on the PlanAdapt website:

 By Dr. Lydia Anyonje and Linet Owuor

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