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MMUST Dr. Rose Opiyo Expands IHELP Project by Establishing the Fourth IHELP Caregiving Centre

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology's IHELP project Principal Investigator, Dr. Rose Opiyo has advanced the project by establishing a fourth Inclusive Home-Based Early Learning Centre in Idakho East, Ikolomani Sub-County. Yesterday, 22nd September 2022, Dr. Opiyo met the Shiveye ward administrators, Community leadership, and its members to discuss issues pertaining to the establishment of a Caregiving center in the region.


Dr. Rose Opiyo and Research Assistant, Ms. Doreen Kathure keenly listening to the meeting discussions.

Speaking during the interactive meeting, Dr. Opiyo highlighted the numerous benefits the center would bring to the community stating that it will definitely transform the upbringing of their children. Additionally, she noted that the project will ease the parenting process by giving time to mothers to fend for their families.

" I would like to appreciate the Shiveye community for welcoming this project. I urge you to embrace it to ensure its sustainability. As MMUST, we are here to give you skills, train, empower and support you. This is a community-based project that will only be successful if you step up your efforts in the management of the center," stated Dr. Opiyo.

IHELP2022SEP3A section of Shiveye community members during the meeting.

The Idakho East Ward Administrator, Mr. Bernard Shiundu expressed delight to the project saying that the community is willing to collaborate with MMUST to see the project thrive.

 “I assure you that we are ready for this project because we have seen it transform our neighboring Shitoli community. It is our pleasure to have it here,” added Mr. Shiundu.

Echoing the sentiments of Mr. Shiundu, Mr. Chris Wanga, the Community Administrator, reiterated that as the representative to the Shiveye community, the IHELP project is a golden opportunity for them to learn more about caregiving especially the inclusivity aspect.


Dr. Rose Opiyo addressing the meeting participants.

The Shiveye community’s goodwill towards the IHELP project is an indicator that there is an existing gap in Caregiving to the children below the age of four and that the MMUST's IHELP project will certainly bridge the gap.

By Linet Owuor 

Photos by Wilberforce Shiundu

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