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Dr. Rose Opiyo Tackles Child Protection, Safety and Disability Inclusion as She Conducts Another Training Phase to Caregivers

The IHELP Principal Investigator, Dr. Rose Opiyo tackled key aspects of Child Protection and Safety as well as Disability Inclusion as she conducted a two-day extensive training for caregivers. This training was held on 28th and 29th September 2022 at Cardinal Center which is one of the four IHELP centers that have been established in Ikolomani Sub-County. The training facilitators were Nutrition Expert, Ms. Martina Adega and the project’s Consultant in matters of Inclusive Education, Dr. Elizabeth Mabele.

This training brought together various caregivers and center managers from all the IHELP Centres who were taken through different aspects pertaining to responsive caregiving and the sustainability of the IHELP project. The first day of training encompassed teachings on proper nutrition and health assessment of children. Vitamin A and dewormers were administered to the children with the guidance of the Nutrition Expert, Ms. Adega.


Ms. Martina Adega leading a discussion.

Speaking during the training, Dr. Opiyo urged center managers to step up efforts in the management of their respective Centres.  She stressed the need for ownership of the project by the community for its sustainability.

“This training is aimed at improving your knowledge, attitude, and practices in the management of these Centres. It provides a guideline of checks and balances to be observed, direction on how to co-exist, processes and situations when one can and should delegate, levels of supervision and best ways to maintain a high quality of care within child care centers space,” stressed Dr. Opiyo.

Ms. Adega addressed multiple topics including Income Generating Activities, Children's Stimulation, and Proper Nutrition. 


One of the participants explains a point during the training.

“You need to have a good understanding of a child’s development so that you can assess whether he or she is developing appropriately for his/her age. Proper nutrition protects children against malnourishment, maintains a healthy immune system, prevents obesity, and reduces the risks of contracting chronic diseases,” said Ms. Adega.

Similarly, Dr. Mabele took the participants through the general knowledge of disability, various causes, and the importance of integrating children with disabilities. She warned them about isolating these children stating that it is vital for their stimulation and growth.

 By Linet Owuor

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