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Dr. Ferdinard Nabiswa Wins the Highly Competitive Dean School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance Position

Dr. Ferdinard Nabiswa has been declared the Dean elect of the School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (SDMHA) after garnering 11 votes against his two competitors Prof. Stanley Omuterema and Prof. Edward Neyole who both got 4 votes each. This follows a highly competitive election that was conducted today 7th October 2022 at the Main Catering Unit (MCU 002).

The voting process which kicked off at 8.30 am was overseen by the Chairman, Deans of Schools Electoral Board, Prof. Sibilike Makhanu, and the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Lurambi Constituency Returning Officer, Mr. Salim Abdala.

The other members of the electoral board present included the Ag. Registrar Academics Prof. Thomas Sakwa, who was the Deputy Returning Officer, the Director, of Privately Sponsored Student  Programs (PSSP), Prof. Ondiek Alala, Dr. Maximillah Wanzala (Presiding Officer), and Dr. Damaris Ochanda. The secretariat was Ms. Florence Agola, Ms. Selphine Muyonga, and Ms. Milly Chimwene who also acted as the Poling Clerks.


Election officials.

Representing the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, of Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Judah Ndiku assured the School of the Division’s support. “Congratulations to Dr. Nabiswa as he takes this role. Let us continue serving this institution,” added Prof. Ndiku.

Speaking after the declaration, Dr. Nabiswa mentioned that SDMHA is at the heart of his profession, and to him, its prosperity is non-negotiable.

“I thank my voters for believing in me and my worthy competitors. I look forward to taking this School to the next level. I will reactivate the SDMHA executive board which is made up of Professors and CoDs who offer advice to the Dean. As I take responsibility, I urge you to join me in making this School great,” said Dr. Nabiswa.


Conceding defeat, Prof. Omuterema and Prof. Neyole congratulated Dr. Nabiswa on his win and assured him of continued support. They also thanked the board for organizing and conducting the elections transparently.


From left: Prof. Stanley Omuterema, Prof. Edward Neyole, Dr. Ferdinard Nabiswa and one of the Agents, Dr. Nicholas Ombachi.

Prior to the elections, the Chairman, of the Deans of Schools Electoral Board, Prof. Sibilike Makhanu, organized a Big Debate yesterday, 6th October 2022 where the candidates presented their manifestos as they all sought the deanship position.

According to the Deputy Returning Officer, Prof. Thomas Sakwa, there was a good voter turnout and the election was carried out in a free and fair manner and the results were credible. Indeed, such efficient and professional organization of elections is the trademark of mature democracy and respect for the rule of law.

By Linet Owuor

Photos by Mary Wangari Wambugu


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