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MMUST’s Newly-elected Deans Take Oath of Office

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s Dean School of Computing and Informatics (SCI), Dr. Daniel Otanga, and the Dean School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (SDMHA), Dr. Ferdinard Nabiswa, have today, 27th October, 2022, taken the oath of office.

The swearing-in ceremony took place at the Vice Chancellor’s office where he (Prof. Solomon Shibairo), congratulated the Deans for having been duly elected into their various offices. “You have been entrusted to lead your Schools to prosperity. It is therefore your responsibility to make sure that you leave the Schools better than you found them,” stated Prof. Shibairo.


Prof. Solomon Shibairo (left) shakes hands with Dr. Ferdinard Nabiswa after taking the oath of office.

Further, the Vice Chancellor urged the new Deans to encourage their members of staff to do research as well as to write more proposals in order to attract funding. He also asked them to work together with other Deans so as to achieve the University’s objectives.

The legal session of the ceremony was presided over by MMUST’s Legal Officer, Mr. Gregory Ombito.

Also present during the ceremony were; Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Students Affairs), Prof. Hussein Golicha, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation), Prof. Charles Mutai, Ag. Registrar (Academic Affairs), Prof. Thomas Sakwa, Procurement Officer, Ms. Scarlet Kavaya and the Legal Assistant, Ms. Linda Omenya.


Prof. Solomon Shibairo shakes hands with Dr. Daniel Otanga after taking the oath of office.

By Mary Wangari Wambugu

Photos by Wilberforce Shiundu

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