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MMUST Provides Capacity Building to Its Staff in Rolling Out Industry Driven Curriculum for the University’s TVET Institute

Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo addressing the workshop participants.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) has provided capacity building to its staff in rolling out industry driven curriculum for the University’s TVET Institute This was during a two-day Curriculum and Review workshop which was held on 17th and 18th November, 2022 at Golf Hotel- Kakamega. The aim of the training was to polish curriculum, occupational standards and assessment tools to meet the policies of TVETA. This workshop brought together stakeholders from diverse fields who deliberated on effective Curriculum Framework that aligns with Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET).

This event was officially opened by the Vice Chancellor (VC), Prof. Solomon Shibairo who pointed out that indeed this is an important exercise for the University to undertake.

“TVET ensures that there is continuous learning. We support the TVET approach to training and are happy to report that engineering and TVET are some of our flagship programs at MMUST. We pride ourselves in taking a shorter stint to complete our programs,” said Prof. Shibairo.

The VC was also accompanied by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Hussein Golicha who urged the institute to rationalize their programs and carry out needs assessment as they review the programs.

11Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo addressing the workshop participants

The Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Hussein Golicha speaking at the workshop.

“TVET learning is practical, I urge you to adopt practical approaches in your curriculum. Similarly, I want to encourage you to do away with unattractive programs that do not equip our learners with a broader range of skills,” he said. The Registrar Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Thomas Sakwa was also present during the workshop.

Speaking during the workshop, the Ag. Principal, MMUST-TVET Institute, Prof. Basil Ong’or said that the Institute has the mandate to develop and implement Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET) curriculum from certificate and diploma levels to degree levels.

111Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo addressing the workshop participants

The Ag. Principal, MMUST-TVET Institute, Prof. Basil Ong’or speaks during the event.

The Ag. Deputy Principal, MMUST-TVET Institute, Dr. Samuel Waweru agreed with his counterpart, saying that the Institute is focused to ensure that they adopt relevant programs that meet the TVETA standards.


One of the facilitators from TVETA, Mr. Paul Mureithi during his presentation.

One of the facilitators from TVETA, Mr. Paul Mureithi highlighted the objectives of the validation workshop which included developing an occupational profile and Occupational Standards for the programmes that accurately describes the job in terms of specific duties, tasks, knowledge and skills required. He recommended that the University needed to implement a Developing A CurriculUM dubbed ‘DACUM’. This is a systematic process that analyzes a job by capturing major occupational duties and tasks that competent workers must perform.  

The Director, Curriculum Review and Development (CReD), Prof. Judah Ndiku, took the workshop participants through the curriculum review process where he noted that while undertaking this exercise, it is key to develop teaching guides, selecting appropriate content of the revised competencies and revising the subject objectives.

“Curriculum review enables the embedding 21st century skills in core academic courses to strengthen University curriculum. It equips students with multidirectional skills to navigate appropriately and successfully in the University, society and in their careers,” he stated. 

211Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo addressing the workshop participants

A section of the workshop stakeholders.

The Chairperson, MMUST TVET Board, Mr. Wakungwi James Sakwa stated that it is imperative to develop and design programs that recognize prior learning as one of the legitimate pathways to higher education, especially in courses that are TVET oriented.

Notably, Curriculum review enhances student learning, engagement, experience and outcomes. The process of curriculum review and enhancement is a valuable developmental process that strengthens a programme identity and its ethos to students. Mounting such capacity building in a valuable area such as TVET places MMUST on the right path towards Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET).

By Dr. Lydia Anyonje and Linet Owuor

Photos by Wilberforce Shiundu

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