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MMUST MOU With African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute Set to Intensify ICT Training and Research

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI) in a bid to enhance ICT training and research. The MoU was signed on Tuesday, 22nd November, 2022, by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, and the Director, AFRALTI, Mr. William Baraza, on behalf of their respective institutions.

Speaking during the signing ceremony, Prof. Shibairo stated that the University has formed linkages with numerous organizations to improve research, community engagement and training. “As a University, we are cognizant that ICT is a major driver of development in the Country. We have integrated ICT into most of our departments and I am confident that with this MoU, the University will meet its objective of contributing towards sustainable development in Kenya and beyond,” added Prof. Shibairo.

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Prof. Solomon Shibairo exchanges signed MoUs with Mr. William Baraza. Looking on is Prof. Charles Mutai, Dr. Catherine Aurah and Mr. Jonathan Mwakijele.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation), Prof. Charles Mutai, reiterated that ICT is a crucial component of the University. “MMUST is committed to partnering with other institutions especially in the area of research. We look forward to working with you for the betterment of both institutions,” said Prof. Mutai.

“AFRALTI is a professional training organization spread throughout Africa. We are keen on conducting world-class research projects through collaborations with institutions such as MMUST, as well as developing grant proposals to attract funding for ICT research,” stated Mr. Baraza. The Director, AFRALTI added that he is very optimistic that the collaboration will bear fruits.

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MMUST-AFRALTI teams during the meeting.

Head of Training Department at AFRALTI, Mr. Jonathan Mwakijele, revealed that AFRALTI has worked with other Universities in the past, saying that institutions of higher learning have qualified personnel who add value to their organization. Further, he stated that AFRALTI offers unique programmes to all kinds of students.

As stated by the MMUST Director of Research and Postgraduate Support, Prof. Peter Bukhala, the School of Computing and Informatics (SCI) will be the main driver of the MoU. Prof. Bukhala said that his Directorate will focus on the research bit of the MoU.

“Thank you for selecting MMUST to be your partner and I assure you that you are joining an institution that is in sync with your objectives. We look forward to implementing the MoU,” said The MMUST Director of International Relations and Academic Linkages, Dr. Catherine Aurah.

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Dr. Catherine Aurah oversees the MoU signing process.

According to the Dean SCI, Dr. Daniel Otanga, the ICT sector is expected to generate an increasing number of high-skill, in-demand jobs across a broad spectrum of industries. “It is expected that in the next five years, 70% of the developing economies' jobs will require technological skills and almost all jobs will be ICT-enabled,” said Dr. Otanga. The Dean SCI pointed out that one of the areas that the School can partner with AFRALTI is in , which he proposed to be included in the School’s short-course programs. “There is a need to equip our students with expertise that will suit future job markets and I believe that a partnership in this area is a great start,” he added.

The MMUST- AFRALTI MoU will remain in force for three (3) years at the end of which both parties will review the collaboration with a view of modifying it. The MoU between these two (2) great institutions will certainly transform ICT training and research for the development of the country.

By Mary Wangari Wambugu

Photos by Wilberforce Shiundu

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