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MMUST Scholars Urged to Publish in Credible Journals and Conduct Top-notch Research to Boost University Webometrics Ranking

Prof. Solomon Shibairo with Webometrics Committee members after a one day workshop in Kisumu

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s scholars have been urged to publish in credible journals and conduct top-notch research to boost the University webometrics ranking. This was during the one-day Workshop held in Kisumu Hotel on Monday, 21st November, 2022, which was organized by the MMUST Webometrics and Publishing Committee.

The one-day workshop was aimed at deliberating on ways in which MMUST staff and researchers can be sensitized on publishing their research findings in credible journals and mould a culture of carrying out good research that will eventually market the University.

While opening the workshop, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, said that he was impressed with the strides that the University has made in improving the Webometrics ranking. He commended the Webometrics and Publishing Committee for ensuring that the workshop took place, saying that it has enlightened them on how to improve the University ranking. “Webometrics is among the main tools we can use to market our University. It is the number one ranking tool in the world. Good Webometrics ranking will eventually give us good partnerships to further improve our position among Universities in Kenya and the world”, said Prof. Shibairo.

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The Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo addressing Webometrics committee members during the workshop

He further urged researchers to venture into producing good research papers that can be published in credible journals. “As Management, we will endeavour to put plans in place to reward good research papers published in credible journals. This can be one way of motivating staff and cultivating a positive culture of publishing”, added Prof. Shibairo. He challenged the Webometrics and Publishing Committee to come up with ways of strengthening the University journals and give them ‘muscles’ for them to be recognized internationally.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning Research and Innovation Prof. Charles Mutai reiterated that the University management is willing to set aside funds to help researchers in publishing papers in credible journals. Prof. Mutai emphasized on the need to have quality papers to enable the University score on all targets. “A good score in Webometrics ranking is a concerted effort. We need to help one another to publish in credible journals as a University. I am confident that the Webometrics Committee, headed by Prof. Francis Orata, will work towards the improvement of our research publications” said Prof. Mutai.

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Prof. Charles Mutai and Prof. John Muoma following presentations during the Webometrics committee workshop

The presentation of Dr Dennis Ochieno, the Coordinator, Webometrics and Short Courses was presented by Rev Fr. Dr. Kizito Muchanga. This presentation highlighted key issues that should be considered for good research and good publications. They include ethics, integrity and conduct. “Misconducts are bad behaviours and malpractices of some individuals, which cause damage to scientific enterprise, and it eventually leads to misuse of public funds, and causes mistrust by citizens,” highlighted the paper.

Other presentations were made by Prof. Peter Bukhala MMUST Publication Quality and Support, Prof. John Muoma – Innovation Grants and Intellectual Property Rights, Prof Stephen Odebero – MMUST Postgraduate Student Publishing Challenges, Dr. Catherine Aurah – MMUST Education, Social Sciences and Humanities Journal, Rev. Dr. Fr. Kizito Muchanga – Publication Ethics, Dr. Edwin Kanda – MMUST Pure and Applied Sciences Journal, Dr. Patrick Okoth – MMUST Academic Publishing Policy and University Press and Dr. David Barasa – Journal Editing and Publication Procedure.

By Wilberforce Shiundu

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