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MMUST Exhibits Array of Innovations at the Kenya Health Care Science Innovation Challenge Annual Awards

The Director, Science Park Innovation and Incubation Centre, Prof. John Muoma explains a point to the Deputy President, H.E Hon. Rigathi Gachagua.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) exhibited an array of innovations at the Kenya Health Care Science Innovation Challenge Annual Awards held on 25 and 26 November 2022 at the United States International University (USIU), Africa. This 1st Pharmaceutical Science of Kenya Healthcare Innovation Annual Challenge Award was aimed at providing a platform for innovators in academia and industry to showcase their innovation with the aim of identifying potential partners.

The event was graced by the Deputy President, H.E Hon. Rigathi Gachagua who was invited by the Governor of Tharaka Nithi, Prof. Muthomi Njuki who is the representative of governors in the Health Committee in the Council of Governor's forum. Hon. Gachagua noted that this event has come at an opportune moment when Kenya had come out of the Covid-19 pandemic with an experience to improve the health sector by changing its approach to research and technology development. The DP encouraged the development of the pharmaceutical sector by developing industries through research and innovation to help in achieving the government’s objectives.

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MMUST team at the Kenya Health Care Science Innovation Challenge Annual Awards.

Similarly, Prof. Muthomi Njuki encouraged recognition of all innovations irrespective of where they were developed by supporting Research and Development which is geared towards improving innovative capabilities in the community.

MMUST was represented by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Planning Research and Innovations- Prof. Charles Mutai, the Director, Science Park Innovation and Incubation Centre- Prof. John Muoma, Prof. Stanley Omuterema, Dean- School of Medicine, Dr. Donald Kokonya, Chairperson - Department of Paramedical Sciences, Dr. Tecla Sum, Marketing Officer- Mr. James Muriithi and Mr. Jairus Korir who represented Prof. Asenath Sigot. 

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The Director, Science Park Innovation and Incubation Centre, Prof. John Muoma explains the innovations of the University.

The University showcased various innovations including eKonnect tracer app, Infedwall app, water purifier, and MMUST healthcare products. These are products for which we are seeking partners who can develop and improve our University profile and find alternative funding for the innovative projects. The two-day meeting was also attended by Principal Secretary, Amb. Simon Nabukwesi and Principal Secretary, Dr.  Kevit Desai encouraged participants to continue to dialogue and see how best to improve biomedical technology and E medicine.

The theme of the event was aligned with making healthcare and its products accessible to all through innovation and product development. Ten universities were represented in the meeting with MMUST and Kisii Universities from western Kenya.  The initiative is to foster cooperation among the participating universities and partners from the UK. 

By Linet Owuor 

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