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MMUST Receives Optometry Equipment Donation From Students Voluntary Optometry Service Humanity (SVOSH) to Support Clinical Training and Community Outreach Activities

The DVC, Academics and Student Affairs, Prof. Hussein Golicha, the Dean School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences and Technology (SPHBST), Prof. Edwin Wamukoya together with Optometry team after receiving the donation.

Today, 28th November, 2022, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology has received a donation of Optometry equipment from the Students Voluntary Optometry Service Humanity (SVOSH), MMUST Chapter. The donation which was earmarked for the Optometry Department is to support clinical training and Community Outreach Activities. The equipment of about Ksh. 700,000 included 300 reading glasses and 200 sunglasses.

This followed a partnership with MMUST in 2018 where they have been sharing resources such as contact lenses, reading glasses, and sunglasses. The equipment was handed over by the Dean, the School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences and Technology (SPHBST), . The donation was received by the DVC, Academics and Student Affairs, who was representing the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Hussein Golicha.

The DVC Academics and Student Affairs Prof. Hussein Golicha receiving the equipment from the Dean School of Public Health Biomedical Sciences and Technology SPHBST Prof

The DVC, Academics and Student Affairs, Prof. Hussein Golicha receiving the equipment from the Dean, School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences and Technology (SPHBST), Prof. Edwin Wamukoya.

Speaking during the event, Prof. Golicha pointed out that linkages with international organizations are key for development and training. “I am delighted about SVOSH’s partnership with MMUST. The equipment will enhance learning at the department and enable the University to achieve its objectives in teaching, learning, and research,” he stated.

Reiterating the DVC’s sentiments, Prof. Wamukoya noted that the donation will not only support the community outreach activities but also different optometric schools globally. “It is our mandate to give back to the community and such equipment will benefit people in the community who are struggling with visual problems,” he said.

The Chairperson of the Optometry Department, Dr. Christine Wanjala commended the gesture stating that it will support final-year students to enhance their clinical practice and increase the visibility of the Department in the global arena.

“I appreciate you for the donation and assure you that the equipment will be put to good use at the department to enhance the learning, practical experience, and entire skill set for our optometry students,” said Dr. Wanjala.

The SVOSH representative MMUST Chapter, Mr. Andrew Wekesa revealed that many people are in need of eyeglasses but cannot afford them. “It is our commitment to reach a wider range of people in the community. The department has received the 1st batch and we are expecting more equipment to support outreach programs,” he said.

Also present during the event was Mr. Alfred Ragot.

Certainly, such productive partnerships will enable the University to offer quality training and churn out products that not only meet the demands of the ever-changing job market but also lead the rest in the marketplace.

By Verna Awuor

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