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MMUST’s Efforts to Boost Its Intellectual Property Profile Continue as University Holds IP Workshop for Deans and CODs

IP Workshop participants pose for a group photo.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, through the Directorate of Science Park Innovation and Incubation Centre (SPIIC), has continued to sensitize its researchers on Intellectual Property(IP) as well as Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) in a bid to improve the University’s IP profile. On Tuesday, 29th November, 2022, SPIIC conducted an IP Workshop themed ‘Everyone in MMUST Can Have an Intellectual Property,’ which targeted Deans and Chairpersons of Departments (CODs).

Speaking during the Workshop, the Director SPIIC, , pointed out that the protection of Intellectual Properties is crucial to encouraging innovation. “Most researchers find it difficult to share their ideas due to fear of plagiarism. As innovators, there is a need to protect our creations, hence, learning about IPs and how to obtain IPRs is very important,” stated Prof. Muoma, adding that MMUST prides itself on having many innovations.

MMUSTs Efforts to Boost Its Intellectual Property Profile Continue as University Holds IP Workshop for Deans and CODs2

From left; Dean School of Natural Sciences (SONAS), Dr. Joseph Owino, Director SPIIC, Prof. John Muoma and MMUST’s IP consultant, Mr. Fredrick O. Otswong’o.

The one-day Workshop was facilitated by Fred Otswong’o & Intellectual Property Associates Limited (FOIPAL), an IP Management consulting firm, based in Nairobi. MMUST’s IP consultant, Mr. Fredrick O. Otswong’o, who is also the founder of FOIPAL, revealed that the firm links innovators, SMEs and Universities with organizations such as Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI), the Anti-Counterfeit Authority (ACA), and the Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO). “Acquiring a patent means that the government has given you monopoly to commercialize your product or project. Patenting your work will not only lead to income generation, but also place you on the global map,” added the IP expert.

444MMUST Hosts University of Manchester Delegation to Discuss Partnership With Kenya UK Health Alliance3

A section of the participants follows keenly.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology is dedicated to providing an environment that fosters innovation. By holding such enlightening Workshops for its scholars, the University will certainly boost its Intellectual Property profile.

By Mary Wangari Wambugu

Photos by Linet Owuor

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