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UASU-MMUST Chapter Leadership Pledges Better Services to Its Members as It Conducts This Year’s (2022) Annual General Meeting

The National Secretary General, Dr. Constantine Wesonga addressing UASU-MMUST Chapter members.

The Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU) -Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Chapter leadership has pledged its members better services as they continue to discharge their mandate of ensuring improved welfare and terms of service. This was revealed during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) themed which was held on 29 November 2022 at the UASU MMUST Chapter Centre, Milimani, Kakamega.

This event was graced by the National Secretary General, Dr. Constantine Wesonga who stressed the need for equality and unity among UASU members. Further, he warned the UASU leadership to stop a two-tire type of negotiation and negotiating for a zero Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

UASU MMUST Chapter Leadership Pledges Better Services to Its Members as It Conducts This Years 2022 Annual General Meeting2

The Chairman, UASU MMUST Chapter, Dr. Jairus Odawa speaks at the AGM.

“A CBA without money is not valid. Say no to a zero CBA. Similarly, I want to assure you that we are going to negotiate uniform terms of service to all UASU members to enable promotions to be done across universities and on equal grounds. Lecturers are promoted yearly and this is what we to be done,” he noted.

Speaking during the highly-attended meeting, the Chairman, UASU MMUST Chapter, Dr. Jairus Odawa noted that in the year under review, the chapter leadership has continued to work hard with a commitment to deliver key achievements for the welfare of the members. 

UASU MMUST Chapter Leadership Pledges Better Services to Its Members as It Conducts This Years 2022 Annual General Meeting3

From left: The Secretary-General- UASU MMUST Chapter, Dr. Bernard Omogo, Chairman- Dr. Jairus Odawa, National Secretary General, Dr. Constantine Wesonga, and Deputy Secretary General- Dr. Humphrey Agevi.

Additionally, the Secretary-General, UASU MMUST Chapter, Dr. Bernard Omogo, said that the Union has witnessed tremendous growth in membership adding that UASU MMUST chapter membership currently stands at three hundred and nineteen (319) from two hundred and eighty-eight (288) in 2021. 

“This year has been an instrumental and eventful year for us. It is a year that through membership engagements, consultation, and informed decision making we have been able to achieve a lot. Working strictly within the provisions of relevant instruments and guiding regulations such as the UASU constitution and labor laws, our chapter has been one of the most active and productive. In this regard, I would like to thank you as our members, especially for the undivided support we have received from many of you. The positive criticisms and guidance from some of you have immensely shaped our approach to various issues and challenges,” stated Dr. Omogo.

UASU MMUST Chapter Leadership Pledges Better Services to Its Members as It Conducts This Years 2022 Annual General Meeting4

A section of the UASU members present during the AGM.

The Chapter’s Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2021, were presented by Kirugu and Associates.  The other Chapter officials present were; Dr. Philip Amuyunzu (Organizing Secretary), Dr. Angeline Savala (Treasurer), Dr. Humphrey Agevi (Deputy Secretary General), Dr. Reuben Rutto (Assistant Treasurer), Committee Members; Dr. Joyce Kasili, Dr. Regina Bwire, and Dr. Evans Rabala, Mr. Moses Adama (Trustee) and Delegates; Dr. Christine Akinyi, Dr. Sabellah Kiprono (Delegate) and Dr. Ababu Musera.

The Annual General Meeting is one of the most important calendar events that provide transparency, promote public participation as well as bring management to accountability. This exercise was therefore of utmost importance for members to give insights that will enhance their welfare and advance the institution’s performance.

By Linet Owuor

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