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MMUST Proposal Review Committee Training Workshop Set to Strengthen Research Capacities in the Institution

DVC, Planning, Research and Innovation, Prof. Charles Mutai (in black suit) together with other Participants present at the workshop.

The just concluded Proposal Review Committee Training Workshop held from 29 to 30 November, 2022, is set to Golf Hotel, Kakamega. This was DVC, Planning, Research and Innovation,

The workshop was geared towards providing knowledge and skills needed in writing research proposals that attract collaborations with other Universities and Higher institutions of learning.  This will strengthen, manage and raise the status of research not only at MMUST but also in the country and globally.

Prof. Mutai pointed out that the University is ready to support the committee members in conducting research as one of its niche areas. He added that research is the key determinant in improving the visibility of the institution as well as web matrix ranking.

“As a University, we are committed to strengthening research and blending it with the latest findings in order to keep thriving in the competitive market. We are ready to support research as this has helped improve the ranking of the university,” Stated Prof. Mutai.

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Prof. Francis Wegulo addressing participants during the workshop.

In his presentation, ‘The Role of Associate Deans in Making a Difference in Research’ Prof. Francis Wegulo, a scholar in Geography from Egerton University noted that it is the Deans’ responsibility to assist the faculty members to follow policies and regulations set by MMUST and partners to prepare them on a proposal that wins grants. 

“You should acknowledge proposal writing and funding as a process that requires strategic planning and guidance in order to have the best research vision. This requires time to look for information on institutions and groups that offer research grants, the cycle of giving grants, and the types of research they focus on. This will enable you to grab the available opportunities,” urged Prof. Wegulo.

Further, in ‘Review of the terms of Reference for Associate Deans Post-workshop’, the scholar emphasized the need for Associate Deans to create platforms that share research information as an avenue for gaining knowledge on research.

“You should assign a representative for research work and make a follow-up to ensure that the tasks are carried out using the right research approach. This will help in mentoring and giving advice on research work,” added Prof. Wegulo.

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A section of participants following the presentations during the workshop.

The Director of Research and Post Graduate Support, Prof. Peter Bukhala, reiterated Prof. Wegulo’s sentiments stating that proposal writing and funding are crucial to every academic institution and should be undertaken with a lot of seriousness.

“As a Directorate, we are ready to support you. Ensure that you grab the opportunities in time and share them with us for consideration. Observe the set deadlines to avoid missing the opportunities,” said Prof. Bukhala.

Besides grant proposal writing, the participants appreciated the role of creating and promoting research-informed teaching in a bid to equip learners with facts of new findings. This will ensure that their education is blended with the workshop’s theme.

Other key speakers were; Dr. Melkidzedeck Khayesi- ‘Walking with academic staff through potential funders’ proposal evaluation criteria’‘Supporting schools to prepare smart grant applications,' and Prof. Francis Orata- ‘Publishing research outputs: MMUST policy’.

Also present at the workshop included: Prof. Elizabeth Omukunda, Prof. Kennedy Bota, Dr. Mary Nelima, Dr. Evans Raballa, Dr. David Barasa, Dr. Edwin Kanda and Dr.Antony Sifuna.

Certainly, the workshop which comprised of Associate Deans and the Chairpersons of Departments from various schools in the University will enable the researchers to conduct top-notch research which will soar the flag of the institution to higher levels and enable MMUST to remain relevant in the ever-changing field of research.

By Daudi Kioko and Verna Awuor

Photos by Linet Owuor

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