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MMUST Hosts Paramedical Sciences Students From the University of Oulu- Finland Courtesy of the Erasmus Plus Exchange Programme

The DVC, Planning Research and Innovation, Prof. Charles Mutai (center seated) together with the MMUST team and the Paramedical Sciences students from the University of Oulu.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) is hosting Paramedical Sciences students from the University of Oulu- Finland, courtesy of the Erasmus Plus Exchange Programme. This five-year exchange program which kicked off on 18th January 2023, will expose staff and students of Paramedical Sciences and Nursing to diverse teaching and learning environment. It will also enhance their skills to maximize and improve patient outcomes. The team led by the Chairperson of the Department of Paramedical Science, Dr. Tecla Sum, and Dr. Markus Kartttunen, paid a courtesy call to the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning Research and Innovation, Prof. Charles Mutai.

Speaking during the courtesy call, Prof. Mutai expressed his delight towards the program stating that international exchange does not only increase the students' chances of employability but also helps them gain skills required in the job market.

“Not only do students get to experience travel to other countries through such programs. Those who participate in student exchange programs exhibit higher degrees of awareness, acceptance for cultural diversity, and an increase in their cultural capital,” stated Prof. Mutai.

MMUST Hosts Paramedical Sciences Students From the University of Oulu Finland Courtesy of the Erasmus Plus Exchange Programme2

The MMUST team and a team from the University of Oulu during a courtesy call to the DVC, Planning Research and Innovation office.

Dr. Sum noted that this is the first batch of students for this program and they will be at MMUST for three (3) months. Further, she added that MMUST students are set to travel to Finland for the exchange program in August 2023. Dr. Sum is also a post-doctoral student in Trauma and Emergency Medicine at the University of Oulu.

The other members of the Erasmus Plus Exchange Programme at MMUST include Prof. Lt. Col (Rtd) John Okoth, Prof. Gladys Mengich, Prof. Mary Kipmerewo, Dr. Millicent Ambetsa, Dr. Damaris Ochanda, Mr. John Arudo, Ms. Dinah Okwiri, and Mr. Simon Ogana.

Certainly, such programs allow staff and students to respond to the changing demands of the global labor market and society at large, which requires both educators and students to acquire updated skills and knowledge.

 By Linet Owuor

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