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National Gender and Equality Commission Equips Mmust's Gender Mainstreaming Committee With Relevant Skills to Enhance Compliance to Gender Equality at the Institution

Workshop participants at Golf Hotel-Kakamega.

 The National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) has equipped Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s Gender Mainstreaming Committee (GMC) members with relevant skills to enhance compliance with gender equality at the institution. The committee underwent a two-day intensive training workshopon 2 and 3 February 2022 at the Golf Hotel-Kakamega. The workshop was facilitated by the Western Regional Facilitator, NGEC, Mr. Davis Ochieng Okeyo.

The event which was organized by the committee Chairperson, Prof. John Shiundu was geared towards building capacity for relevant, effective, efficient, and sustainable gender mainstreaming in the institution; introducing the GMC to gender concepts, policy, procedures, and practices as per the regulatory requirements.


A section of the participants following the presentations.

In his opening remarks, the Director of Privately Sponsored Students Programmes (PSSP), Prof. Benedict Alala who was representing the Deputy Vice- Chancellor, Planning, Research, and Innovation, noted that it is important to equip members with strong advocacy as well as sensitization knowledge and skills in gender parity. He challenged the committee to prove to the University why they embrace gender equality.

“As a division of research, there is a need for integrating gender in research and our policies, ensure equality in service delivery, and establish gender balance at all levels in the University,” said Prof. Alala.

Speaking during the workshop, Mr. Okeyo pointed out that the training fosters continuous improvement and learning while enabling the committee to track the progress of gender equality in the University. He advocated for gender equality at all levels of the disabled, children, marginalized, and the minority to re-enforce the constitutional law of inclusivity.


The Western Regional Facilitator-NGEC, Mr. Davis Ochieng Okeyo.

Further, Mr. Okeyo discussed the key roles of senior management of the University as to-; develop gender-related policies on sexual harassment; establish a functional GMC; plan and budget for GM programs, projects, and actions; guide the implementation of the GM strategies, programs, and projects and actions; ensure adherence by all staff to GM requirements; as well as monitor implementation and ensure GM reporting is done in conformity with the set national guidelines.

Prof. Shiundu acknowledged that gender parity should be considered in the fields of research, governance as well as departments.  He emphasized the need for more efforts to influence the management to strike a balance on the female gender two-third rule in the University.

“We have been looking forward to this training and we can agree that it was learner-centered. The committee is committed to scaling up and mainstreaming practices in gender management in terms of decision-making; creating linkages with other institutions enrolled in gender to promote equity and mainstreaming of gender. This has been a very resourceful session. I urge you to promote this unit to become an institute to create more impact in the University as well as attract more donors. We are pleased and ready for the task ahead of us,” said Prof. Shiundu.


A section of the Gender Mainstreaming Committee (GMC) members.

Additionally, the Coordinator, AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit, Prof. Gladys Mengich emphasized that every team should be well balanced adding that the institutional management should look for a mechanism to balance gender in all aspects. She advocated for partnerships in the area of gender balance and assured an improvement in the performance of the committee.

Notably, some of the topics addressed encompassed; Overview of the Gender Mainstreaming Committee {GMC} Terms of Reference {ToR}’Laws and Policies governing Gender Equality and Mainstreaming in Kenya’‘Intersectionality’, ‘Strategies for Working with Schools and Departments to Tackle Inequity, Harassment, and Sexual Violence’ as well as ‘Progress update on the University Gender Policy and SGBV Policy’.

The Gender Mainstreaming Committee members present during the workshop were; Prof. Kenneth Otieno, Dr. Lucy Mandillah, Dr, Arnette Okoth, Dr. Seline Ooko, Dr. Philip Mukonyi, Ms. Tabitha Sishia, Ms. Eunice Pundo, Ms. Gavin Nyarotso, Ms. Elizabeth Simiyu, Mr. Levy Wanyama, Mr. Kennedy Anjieho, and Ms. Adelaide Imbuka.


Gender Mainstreaming Committee (GMC) members during a group discussion.

As part of the training, members focused broadly on experiences and lessons learned on gender mainstreaming in many different sectors. They noted that sexual harassment at the place of work is constituted of offering benefits for sexual advancements, unwanted sexual advancements, threats or retaliation to ‘No’, suggestive gestures, derogatory comments, and body positioning.

Certainly, gender equality and social inclusion are no longer just buzzwords in development jargon. This is a timely venture that aims to build the skills and knowledge of participants in mainstreaming gender. It is also an opportunity to operationalize its commitment to gender as a cross-cutting issue.

By Verna Awuor and Linet Owuor

Photos by Linet Owuor; 

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