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MMUST International Students Hold One-day Workshop in an Effort to Address Issues Pertaining to Their Welfare

MMUST staff pose for a group photo together with the international students, outside the University’s Main Catering Unit.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s international students have held a one-day Workshop in an effort to address issues pertaining to their welfare in the University. The Workshop, which took place on Wednesday, 8th February, 2023, is the second one of its kind that the Directorate of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL) has organized.

Speaking during the event, the Director DIAL, Dr. Catherine Aurah, stated that the international students are a group that the University appreciates. “This Workshop is conducted in order for international students to connect with the University Management, for the students to share their experiences studying in MMUST,” said Dr. Aurah, adding that such a meeting is a platform for the International Students Guild (ISG) leadership to formally communicate with their members.


Dr. Catherine Aurah gives her remarks during the Workshop.

“In case you have any welfare issues, such as accommodation and catering, feel free to visit our offices,” said Mr. Oscar Waswa, who was representing the dean of students, Dr. Bernadette Abwao. Mr. Waswa encouraged the international students to actively participate in the University activities like sports, drama as well as clubs and associations, so that they don’t feel left out.

The Director, Directorate of Corporate Communications and Marketing (DCCM), Dr. Lydia Anyonje, reiterated that international students are a great asset to the University, saying that her office is dedicated to increasing the number of these students through marketing. “There is a need for the University to organize a marketing campaign that will not only involve the national and international students, but also our alumni,” she stated.


A section of MMUST international students follow keenly during the Workshop.

Further, the Director DCCM, said that her team has been discussing having an international students open day, to fully focus on these students, and to showcase all activities associated with them. “During this event, we shall have a set of activities and special projects to work on across the departments,” said Dr. Anyonje, adding that she will work together with other sections to advocate for an international students’ docket within MMUSO, so that their issues are addressed directly.

“We appreciate the international students’ diplomacy in handling issues and commend them for always visiting our customer care desks for assistance. We intend to include them in our upcoming Customer Service week set for the first week of October. We will also include them in our five-year anniversary celebration since we first established the custom care office,” said the Marketing Officer, Mr. James Muriithi.


ISG Chairman, Mr. Christopher Oromo, gives his remarks at the Workshop.

The ISG Chairman, Mr. Christopher Oromo, presented a report on the number of international students that have joined MMUST in the last seven (7) years. Some of the issues raised by Mr. Oromo during the event included the lack of a proper international students’ office to address their problems. “We have also been having issues with the delay of our exam results which sometimes worries our sponsors,” he added. The ISG female and male representatives, Ms Gloria Tamanok and Mr. Yousif Kalo, respectively, suggested that the University should put in place measures that ensure international students are guided especially during admission days. Additionally, they proposed to have an International students open day and other activities such as tree planting, benchmarking and field trips in order for them to interact more.


From left; Dr. Lydia Anyonje, Dr. Catherine Aurah, Mr. James Muriithi and Mr. Jeremy Muriira.

Also present during the Workshop included; the Director of Privately Sponsored Students, Learning Centres and Campuses, Prof. Ondiek B. Alala, who was representing the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation), Prof. Charles Mutai, the University Chaplaincy, Rev. Fr. Dr. Kizito Muchanga, Mr. Manoah Bornface, who was standing in for the Ag. Chief Security Officer, Dr. Julius Mabia, MMUSO Gender and Special Interest Secretary, Mr. Jeremy Muriira, Ms. Dorine Ambetsa, Mr. Nelman Monari, Ms. Verna Kungu and Mr. Daudi Kioko.

By Sheila Ivayo and Mary Wangari Wambugu

Photos by Wangari Wambugu

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