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MMUST Commits to Working With the Fourth Estate in a Bid to Promote Education Sector, as It Holds Second Vice Chancellor’s Media Breakfast

MMUST staff pose for a group photo together with journalists from various media houses.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology has committed to working with the fourth estate in a bid to improve Kenya’s education sector. This was revealed during the second ‘Vice Chancellor’s Media Breakfast’ (VMB), which attracted attendance from both the mainstream and regional media stations, including the Standard, Nation, Royal Media Services, 103.9 MMUST FM, K24 TV, West TV/FM, Radio Africa group KBC/Tandao TV, as well as Lubao FM. The meeting, organized by the Directorate of Corporate Communications and Marketing (DCCM), in conjunction with the Vice Chancellor’s office, took place yesterday, 15th February, 2023, at the VC’s boardroom.

Speaking during the event, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, acknowledged that the fourth estate is a very important entity in relation to development. “As members of the fourth estate, you owe it to Kenya to provide accurate information which will steer development. We are eager to collaborate with the media in order to support the growth of the education sector in this country,” said Prof. Shibairo, adding that MMUST will continually provide adequate and right information about the University to the media, for a balanced and fair reporting.

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Prof. Solomon Shibairo gives his remarks during the second Vice Chancellor’s Media Breakfast.

“MMUST excels in academia, research and innovation. Besides this, we are focused on community outreach, consultancy and enterprise, student experience technology and institutional development,” stated the Vice Chancellor, saying that there is a need for this information to be in the limelight for the benefit of the University as well as the entire country.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning Research and Innovation), Prof. Charles Mutai, stressed on his dedication to seeing MMUST attain its vision of being a premier University in science, technology and innovation. Further, Prof. Mutai stated that the University has allocated funds for its researchers, innovators as well as students, who will work with mentors, in order to take MMUST’s research and innovation to the next level.

“We have invited you here today in an effort to enhance the relationship between MMUST and the media, for accurate, effective and sustained reporting of University’s activities,” said the Director (DCCM), Dr. Lydia Anyonje. She asked the members of the fourth estate to participate in building MMUST, and other institutions of higher learning.

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A section of journalists follows keenly during the VMB.

The members of the fourth estate held bilateral discussions with the Vice Chancellor, where they sought clarifications on a number of projects mentioned during the meeting, pointed out possible areas of improvement and appreciated the progress that has been made since the last VMB, which was held on 5th May, 2022.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology has demonstrated its dedication to improving the education sector in Kenya. MMUST recognizes that the media is a very powerful tool used to communicate information to the public and therefore, involving the fourth estate in the University’s activities will undoubtedly push the development agenda.

By Caren Nekesa and Mary Wangari Wambugu

 Photos by Shiundu Masafu 

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