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MMUST Conducts Disability Mainstreaming Workshop in Tandem With the Requirements of the National Council for Persons With Disabilities

Participants at the Disability Mainstreaming Workshop, Golf Hotel- Kakamega.

MMUST has conducted a two-day Disability Mainstreaming Workshop in tandem with the requirements of the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD). The event which was facilitated by the Kakamega County Disability Officer, Ms. Priscah Akoth, took place on 16th and 17th February, 2023 at the Golf Hotel- Kakamega. The workshop, organized by the MMUST’s AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit, was graced by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation), Prof. Charles Mutai. It earmarked the Disability Mainstreaming Committee members and staff from the unit.

Pointing out that disability mainstreaming is an area that needs intervention by Universities; Prof. Mutai noted that MMUST is committed towards supporting the disability mainstreaming activities and projects through research. “It is useful to identify the barriers that staff and students with disabilities face in accessing University education. We recognize that anybody can become disabled anytime,” he stated. Prof. Mutai who is also an ardent researcher and renowned scholar in health added that innovation is critical in disability mainstreaming.


The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation), Prof. Charles Mutai addressing participants at the workshop.

Ms. Akoth took the committee members through several issues regarding Disability Mainstreaming including; ‘Understanding Disability’, ‘Data and Statistics on Disability’, ‘Disability Etiquette’, ‘Policy and Legal Frameworks in Disability’, ‘Disability Mainstreaming Guidelines’, ‘2022/2023 FY Indicator and Reporting Portal’ as well as ‘Accessibility and Usability Audits’. She encouraged the Committee members to help the PWDs to overcome stereotypes and handle them in a humane manner depending on the nature of their disability.

“Include the PWDs in all the University planning, activities and programs. We encourage you to involve NCPWD in your events in order to access assistive devices, infrastructure and equipment support, rehabilitation and habilitation programs, registration of the PWDs, scholarship opportunities and funding for business as well as education,” stated Ms. Akoth.

The Coordinator of AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit- Prof. Gladys Mengich, stated that the mandate of the unit includes sensitization, formulation and development of measures and policies targeted at promoting equal opportunities for PWDs. “This Disability Mainstreaming Committee Workshop has been conducted in tandem with the requirements of the National Council for Persons with Disabilities. It is also one of our indicators in the performance contract,” she said.


Prof. Charles Mutai (right) and Prof. Gladys Mengich listening as the Disability Mainstreaming Committee Chairperson, Prof. Danstone Baraza explains a point at the workshop.

The Director of Quality Assurance, Prof. Danstone Baraza who is also the Committee Chairperson, tackled ‘Roles of the Disability Mainstreaming Committee including; promoting awareness on disability issues, working towards 5% representation of the PWDs in the University, ensuring infrastructure is friendly to the PWDs, submitting standardized quarterly disability mainstreaming progress reports to the NCPWD and implement the recommendations, guarantee inclusion of PWDs in operations, as well as promoting principal of universal design in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the University core mandate.

The Director of Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation- Prof. Joseph Nasongo applauded the Disability Mainstreaming Unit for the improved performance and urged the committee members to be on the forefront of advocacy for disability mainstreaming. He added that the committee members should strengthen their partnership with the NCPWD to assist the PWDs in the University.

“PWDs are human beings entitled to enjoyment of equal human rights enshrined in the Kenyan Constitution. It is our role to ensure that working, learning and living environments are conducive for them. Let us demonstrate to the NCPWD that we are considering the PWDs in the institution,” urged Prof. Nasongo. He encouraged the committee members to consider working with commitment as a sacred duty to humankind and to God.


The Director of Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation- Prof. Joseph Nasongo making a presentation at the workshop.

In her presentation on ‘Accessibility of services in MMUST’, the hostels officer- Ms. Jackline Olweny noted that the University is committed to make services easily accessible to the PWDs. These areas include; the hostels, parking areas, internet services and pathways. She encouraged sensitization of staff and students to inculcate good practices to ensure comfort of the PWDs in the institution. “I commend our customer care staff and the student leaders for ensuring a better stay for PWDs in the University,” she said. She advocated for a helpline for serving the PWDs in case of emergency.


From right: Ms. Gavin Nyarotso, Ms. Elizabeth Simiyu and student representative- Mr. Patrick Obaria keenly following the presentations during the workshop.

The Disability Mainstreaming Committee members present included; Prof. Francis Orata, Prof. Alice Ndiema, Prof. Jacob Wakhungu, Dr. Lydia Anyonje, Mr. Vincent Chibini, Ms. Gavin Nyarotso, Ms. Lilian Kundu, Jackline Olweny, Mr. Daniel Korir, Mr. Paul Rotich, Mr. Francis Osaka, and student representative- Mr. Patrick Obaria. Other University staff present were; Ms. Elizabeth Simiyu, Mr. Felix Ambuche, Ms. Eunice Pundo, Mr. Kennedy Anjieho, Ms. Adelaide Imbuka, Ms. Millicent Ingado, Ms. Selipher Sabatia, Ms. Verna Kungu, Ms. Linet Owuor and Mr. Canon Omondi.

By Dr. Lydia Anyonje and Verna Awuor 

Photos by Linet Owuor

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