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MMUST Hosts World Engineering Day Celebrations to Champion Innovation for a More Resilient World

The team, led by the Dean School of Engineering and Built Environment, Prof. Eng. Bernadette Sabuni (center) posing for a group photo before the procession.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology on Saturday, 4th March, 2023, hosted the World Engineering Day Celebrations to champion innovation for a more resilient world. The event themed, ‘Engineering Innovation for a More Resilient World’ was earmarked for celebrating the important contributions of engineers and engineering to sustainable development in the modern world. The celebration which was marked by a procession, donation, tree planting exercise, and journal launch, was spearheaded by the Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK)- Western Region led by Eng. Erick Ngage. The official ceremony was conducted at the Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH).

In his opening remarks, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Planning, Research, and Innovation), Prof. Charles Mutai, noted that the University is keen on promoting engineering education and research. He added that engineering cannot be separated from innovation and MMUST is part of a global community that is committed to elevating engineering as well as improving livelihoods through; the allocation of funds to student research, greening initiative, and envisioned Centre of Excellence in Energy production.

“Engineering is a critical area in the development and implementation of technology in the establishment of infrastructures. On this special day, we celebrate the contributions of engineers to society and the importance of their work in addressing global challenges. Today’s celebration is to inspire us as well as motivate us to continue working towards a better future through engineering innovation and excellence,” stated Prof. Mutai.

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The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Planning, Research, and Innovation), Prof. Charles Mutai, addressing the participants.

During the donation, Eng. Ngage acknowledged that engineers are committed to giving back to the community. “As we celebrate this day, we are here to encourage and show love to the needy students. You are here to be corrected and have a better future. I believe you can work hard and become engineers like us,” he said.

The Chief Officer (Roads and Energy), Eng. Philip Otenyo applauded the IEK for upholding the celebrations which were marked with exciting exercises. He noted that sustainable development is a key pillar in the development of Kakamega County and the nation at large. “We are committed to developing infrastructure for smooth movement within the county. The projects are achieved by engineers who have used their expertise to ensure quality standards in accordance with the national standards,” he said. He commended the MMUST engineering team for the exemplary job they have been doing in training the engineers.

Further, he urged engineers to innovate, think and play their role in society. “As we celebrate engineers’ achievements in the world, let us protect the natural resources for improved livelihoods. Let us be proud of ourselves as well as our work,” he urged.

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The Chief Officer (Roads and Energy), Eng. Philip Otenyo (second right) planting a tree to mark the World Engineering Day Celebrations.

Speaking during the ceremony, the second Vice-President (IEK), Eng. Christine Ogut pointed out that engineering plays an essential role in development and human welfare. She challenged the team to take a bold step to change the future world. “Engineers are diverse, ready to solve the challenges of the world. We are the current innovators, overseeing the improved technology. Think outside the box and grab the opportunities. Have a lobbying power and powerful presentation. Let us work together and create a professional pace. I look forward to seeing you interact during the Virtual Career Week,” he urged.

In addition, Eng. Ogut read the IEK President, Eng. Eric Ohaga’s Speech, “This day brings engineers together to celebrate our achievements in the world. Engineers, our innovations meet the achievements without compromising community development. As a country, sustainability needs a common interest in the environment and social aspects of life. This is a timely venture when the nation is undergoing a lot of challenges. As engineers, it is our mandate to leverage sustainable infrastructure at all levels to overcome the challenges posed by natural calamities. I call on every engineer to take up the mantle and solve the challenge posed to them,” she stated.

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The second Vice-President (IEK), Eng. Christine Ogut making a remark during the event.

Expressing her delight, the Dean (School of Engineering and Built Environment), Prof. Eng. Bernadette Sabuni, pointed out that engineers have made tremendous contributions towards sustainable development. She acknowledged that it is an opportunity for professionals to share their skills with the world and guaranteed students that they are in the right career.

“We train students to ensure they have adequate skills needed in the job market. We have qualified lecturers who work tirelessly to ensure our products meet the requirements of the competitive job market. It is our day, let us interact with the professionals and expand our knowledge in this area,” she urged. She emphasized on postgraduate studies in engineering.

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Kakamega Rehabilitation School (Approved) officials receiving donations from the KeRRA representative (Kisumu branch), Eng. Michael Outa (left).

The national bodies that focus on engineering were represented at the event including; the Kenya National Highways Authority (KENHA), Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA), Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA), National Construction Authority (NCA), National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA), and Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) from Vihiga, Kakamega, Busia, Bungoma, Siaya, Migori, Kisumu, Kisii, and Homabay. The MMUST Alumni team was also present.

During the ‘Career Talk’ presentation, the representatives guaranteed students pursuing engineering that there is a lot of experience in practical work than in class. They shared the benefits of the bodies to students which include; mentorship programs for career development, and training opportunities such as internship programs, casual work, as well as attachment opportunities.

The Engineering Students Association (ESA) Chairperson, Ms. Natalie Atieno acknowledged that the students are ready to work together and look forward to creating strong links with the professionals.


From left, the second Vice-President (IEK), Eng. Christine Ogut, Prof. Eng. Sabuni and IEK Chairperson (Western Branch), Eng. Erick Ngange During the launch of the journal.

Notably, the celebration culminated with the launch of a journal, ‘The African Journal of Engineering Research and Innovation’ (AJERI), a journal aimed at publishing high-quality papers in all areas of engineering. This is a platform for writers to publish and share ideas on issues affecting society.

SEBE team present included; Dr. Micah Mukolwe, Dr. James Owuor, Dr. Peter, Cherop, Dr. Emmanuel Osore, Eng. Janet Oyaro, Eng. Paul Rotich, and Mr. Moses Toili.

Indeed, this was a special day when engineers across the world got an opportunity to interact and share their achievements in solving the challenges faced by the community. MMUST in particular, got the opportunity to market its programs, increase students’ employability rate, as well as providing an avenue for students who are interested in growing their careers, to interact with professionals in understanding the requirements of the job market.

By Verna Awuor

Photos byLinet Owuor

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