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MMUST Rugby Team Holds a Meeting With Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic and Student Affairs to Discuss the Welfare of the Team

MMUST Rugby team poses for a group photo after the meeting

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology through the department of sports science hosted a meeting with the MMUST rugby team on 9th   March 2023, in an effort to discuss some of the issues and challenges pertaining to the university’s rugby team. This meeting was coordinated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic and Student Affairs Prof Hussein Golicha, and MMUST rugby team Senior coach Dr. Ochieng Ahaya. 

Some of the challenges discussed during the meeting were; budget constraints where the budget for the team seems to be very limited as each player gets Khs. 2000 allowance, unavailability of the gym facility for the team members, improvement of allowances, medication cover for the players, sponsorship, and issues of integrated marketing.

MMUST Rugby team poses for a group photo after the meeting2

Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic and Student Affairs Prof Hussein Golicha speaking during the meeting

Speaking at the meeting, the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Hussein Golicha expressed his gratitude to the University Management for the support they have accorded the Rugby team.

 “We are proud of this team and I assure you of our support. We appreciate your commitment and hard work that has seen us shine in the Kenya Cup. Let us take this as a turning point and I will make sure that you all get what you deserve,” said Prof. Golicha.

MMUST Rugby team poses for a group photo after the meeting3

MMUST Rugby team senior coach Dr. Ochieng Ahaya speaking during the meeting

The MMUST rugby team coach Dr. Ochieng Ahaya addressed the way forward and mentioned good planning; which entails giving the rugby team some insurance, looking for the funds to take the team out, and bringing in the marketing aspect. “This team is focused and our aim is to be visible and become a tool that the University use for marketing. This team is very respected in the country and we are looking forward to the Kenya 7s because we are confident that we are going to do well,” said Dr. Ochieng. 

He further applauded the rugby team for the work well done urging them to stay focused. He noted that the MMUST team is implementing the use of technology such as online sites for more visibility. Additionally, Dr. Ahaya noted that Kabras Sugar Company paid a total amount of 100,000 shillings for five students at Masinde Muliro University who are players in our team.

MMUST Rugby team poses for a group photo after the meeting4

Mr. Oscar Waswa addressing issues during the meeting

The  Senior Administrative Assistant, Dean of Students, Mr. Oscar Waswa addressed most issues raised by the team. “So much has been mentioned by the captains and the coaches and most of the issues mentioned are very real. The issues of food have been mentioned and we believe that they shall be addressed.  At an opportune time we shall revisit to see their articles and their purpose so that we are able to address what touches on the team so that we can have the welfare of these students and other MMUST students in order to have a win-win situation for all of us,” said Mr. Oscar.

With such forums, MMUST can look forward to winning more rugby games and being more visible in our country. Indeed, MMUST embracing our rugby team will certainly prosper our dream as a University. 

Sheila Ivayo

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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