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New Dawn on Kefinco Estate as MMUST and County Police Joint Efforts ‘Birth’ the New Kefinco Police Patrol Base

Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo presents the key to the police post premises to the County Police Commander-Kakamega County, Mr. Joseph Kigen. 

The joint efforts of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s management and the Kakamega County police have given ‘birth’ to the new Kefinco police patrol base, ushering in a new dawn for the residents of Kefinco estate.  This was evidenced as the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo presented the key to the police post premises to the County Police Commander-Kakamega County, Mr. Joseph Kigen in a colourful ceremony on 13th March 2023 at Kefinco estate.

The establishment of the police patrol base was aimed at curbing insecurity cases among students and members of the community living in Kefinco. The patrol base will be manned by six (6) police officers drawn from the National Police Service, with room for expansion and addition of more officers in the next financial year.

Speaking during the event, Prof. Shibairo noted that peace and security are key in the development of our nation. He thanked the Kakamega County security, under the leadership of Mr. Joseph Kigen, the County Police Commander-Kakamega County, for the good working relationship with the University. 


Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo interacts with the police during the event

Prof. Shibairo also stated that security is every individual’s responsibility as he challenged the students to understand how to handle matters of sexuality and relationships. He pointed out that love triangles have been a leading cause of insecurity among students. “I urge all our students to refrain from drugs and alcohol abuse. I encourage you to live in residential areas approved by the University as precautionary measures to ensure your security,” he said.   

The Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic and Students Affairs, Prof. Hussein Golicha noted that Kefinco estate accommodates nearly 75% of MMUST’s students who reside outside the University premises. He stated that it has been difficult for the students residing in the area to cope with the rising cases of insecurity as he extended his division’s appreciation to the fact that a solution has been established to curb the insecurity menace.

Additionally, the Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Administration and Finance - Prof. John Kuria Thuo, shared that he hopes the facility will enhance the security of the students as well as that of the host community. He promised that the University will continue to improve on the facility so that it can handle the required capacity.


Participants pose for a group photo after the event.

Speaking on behalf of the security personnel, Mr. Joseph Kigen, the Kakamega County Police Commander, thanked the University and the church for working together to see through the construction of the patrol base. He shared his team’s commitment, saying that they will uphold their duties to the people by serving the community, safeguarding their lives and property as well as protecting them against threat and violence.

“We will appreciate the great efforts you have made by ensuring that we do as per our mandate to ensure that safety is provided to all students and members of the public who reside here,” said Mr. Kigen.   

Further, he encouraged the students to report any suspicious incidences or activities for immediate intervention by the police.

Rev. Prof. Willis Otuya commended the Full Gospel Churches of Kenya - Kakamega under the leadership of Bishop John Albert Odinga for the support they have given to the community.  “The church becomes relevant when it is directly talking to issues of community. I am grateful that Full Gospel Churches of Kenya Kakamega has extended a hand in supporting initiatives by security agencies, to offer security to our students and members of this community,” he stated.

On the other hand, Bishop Odinga commended the teams for the joint effort that has brought forth a solution to the community of Kefinco.

“Insecurity has been rampant in our community and it is our prayer that we are going to have the security we have been yearning for. We are going to work together with the officers deployed here, by actively and timely reporting any incidences of insecurity to ensure that we have maximum security in the region,” he noted.  

newly elected mmuso

The newly elected MMUSO Chairperson, Mr. Benjamin Mutisya (centre) and the Secretary General Ms. Natalie Atieno sharing a moment with the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo.  

It is worth noting that the newly elected MMUSO leaders, the Chairperson, Mr. Benjamin Mutisya, MMUSO Secretary General, Ms. Rose Natalie Atieno and Ms. Teresia Mutisya represented the students at the event. Additionally, the newly established Kefinco Police Patrol Base will be run by Mr. Samson Kandie together with his team to ensure maximum security in the area.   

Present during the event was the University’s security team led by Chief Security Officer, Dr. Julius Mabia, Security Officer, Mr. Benedict Shitera, Mr. Manoah Boniface, MMUST’s estates team, as well as the Office of the Dean of Students. The church was also represented by the Associate Pastor, Mr. Benson Kisiangani. 

By Caren Nekesa, Sheila Ivayo 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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