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Biophysical Society (BPS) Ambassador Africa, Dr. Philip Amuyunzu Hosts Induction Training for Expansion of the Society in the Continent

A screenshot picture of a section of the webinar participants.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, lecturer in the School of Natural Sciences (SONAS)- Dr. Philip Amuyunzu on Friday, 17th March 2023, hosted an induction training webinar to champion the expansion of the Society in Africa. This was courtesy of the Biophysical Society Kenyan Chapter housed at MMUST where Dr. Amuyunzu is heading the association.

Speaking during the webinar, Dr. Amuyunzu noted that the membership has been rising gradually across the globe.  However, he highlighted some of the challenges affecting society which included gender parity, low enrollment, lack of Biophysics mainstream staff, and reduced government funding.

“I urge you all to embrace Biophysics and establish BPS Chapters in your respective countries. This can be achieved through promoting international conferences in Biophysics,” said Dr. Amuyunzu.

This virtual event drew participants from various countries including Uganda, Nigeria, Morocco, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya, and officials from the Biophysical Society. The officials from the BPS assured the participants of reduced membership rates to increase the enrollment of new members to the society. They also conclusively addressed other concerns raised during the webinar and assured the participants of their support to ensure the establishment of more BPS chapters.

Notably, such engagements not only increase the visibility of MMUST but also offer the Institution numerous opportunities in the world of Biophysics.

By Linet Owuor

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