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MMUST's Security Department Conducts a Fire Safety and First Aid Training for Staff and Students to Increase Awareness on Safety Measures

Participants at graduation square during the training.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s security department has today, 22nd March 2023, conducted a one-day fire safety and first aid training for staff and students in an effort to increase awareness on safety measures as well as how to handle oneself during emergencies. The event was organized in conjunction with MMUST’s School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (SDMHA) and the County Government of Kakamega’s Department of Disaster Management. The training, which took place at the University Graduation Square, was attended by over 100 participants.

Speaking during the event, the Chief Security Officer, Dr. Julius Mabia noted that fire safety and first aid training is important because the University community needs to be equipped with practical skills to enable them to respond in the event of any emergency.

“Emergency preparation is key to keeping all staff on the same page about what to do in the event of an emergency. Conducting training of this nature puts knowledge out there and helps reduce the risk of certain emergencies such as fire. It also helps staff and students to keep calm instead of panicking if anything similar was to happen,” said Dr. Mabia.  

Participants at graduation square during the training2

MMUST Chief Security Officer, Dr. Julius Mabia training staff at graduation square.

The team of fire and rescue personnel led by Mr. Jackson Wanyama, taught the participants about the types of fires, causes of fire, fire safety as well as fire equipment. He stressed that fire prevention is the first step in fire safety as he took the participants through the steps to be followed in case of fire and how to raise an alarm during such situations. They also demonstrated evacuation techniques during a fire emergency and how to search for people and effectively evacuate them. Further, a mock fire drill was carried out and the participants were given the opportunity to participate in the demonstrations of extinguishing fire and carrying out rescue operations.

“We have different classes of fires caused by either combustion of ordinary or organic materials, highly flammable liquids, gas or metals such as aluminium. It is important for any fire fighter to do a serious inspection of the cause in order to use the right extinguisher or tool to put out the fire,” stated Mr. Wanyama. 

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Mr. Jackson Wanyama from the Kakamega County fire department demonstrates how to use a fire blanket.

The Kakamega County Deputy Commander – St. John Ambulance, Mr. Abdallah Hassan took the participants through first aid. In his address, he noted that first aid is a skill that everyone should have.

“We do first aid to preserve life, prevent further injury and to promote recovery. Accidents can happen at any time and in any place and they can range from minor injuries to more serious emergencies such as cardiac arrest or even severe bleeding. The ambiguity of accidents makes it important for everyone to be equipped with first aid skills,” said Mr. Abdallah. He further educated the participants on how to do an initial assessment in case of an accident, types of casualties, how to check for breathing and performing the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to both adults and children including infants.

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Mr. Abdallah Hassan of St. John's ambulance demonstrates how to carry out first aid.

Mr. Abdallah emphasized that often, emergency situations find people unprepared hence we need to quickly think and intervene using the available resources. He added that properly equipped first aid kits should be made available at different locations within the University, to provide supplies to administer care to the casualties and minimize health effects before medical attention can be secured.

Other notable personalities present during the training include MMUST Security Officer, Mr. Benedict Shitera; Staff from SDHMA Mr. Leonard Nyongesa and Ms. Jane Kimuma. Two Student representatives from SDHMA, Mr. Clifford Opiyo and Ms. Caroline Kimamo also attended. The Kakamega County Disaster Unit team consisted of fire inspectors Ms. Florence Awonda, Ms. Lavender Ochieng and Ms. Edilquine Amaumo as well as Pump Operators-Mr. Jackson Agesa and Mr. Anthony Musyomi.

Fire safety and first aid training is important to everyone regardless of whether they work in a high risk environment or not. By providing comprehensive training on the same, MMUST will certainly help prevent fires and ensure that people are prepared to respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

By Caren Nekesa and Sheila Ivayo 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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