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MMUST Launches Alcohol And Drug Abuse Baseline Survey In An Effort To Combat Drug Abuse Menace Among Its Staff And Students

The participants at the launch.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse (ADA) Committee on 22nd March 2023, launched an eight-day Alcohol and Drug Abuse Baseline Survey in a bid to combat the menace of drug abuse among the University staff and students. The survey, aimed at generating data on the levels of drug abuse in MMUST, will be conducted in tandem with the National Authority for the Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) guidelines.

The exercise, which is spearheaded by the NACADA Western Region Manager, Ms. Sarah Koske, commenced on the 16th and will end on Monday, the 27th of March 2023. This will be followed by the review of ADA policy to inform the establishment of a customized employee and student assistance program for the University.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Students Affairs), Prof. Hussein Golicha, acknowledged that the survey seeks to give an intent understanding of the general trend of alcohol and drug abuse among the employees and its effects on their productivity. “We look forward to establishing the impact of drug abuse on productivity among our staff and students. I believe we shall reduce the impact of drug abuse amongst us to improve future productivity, employability, and performance,” he stated.

The participants at the launch2

The NACADA Western Region Manager, Ms. Sarah Koske giving a remark during the launch.

Expressing her delight, Ms. Koske noted that alcohol and drug abuse affects us equally and urged the participants to analyze the issue from various approaches. She guaranteed her support throughout the exercise, adding that the root cause of drug abuse among University students is the availability of free time. “As we embark on the survey, let us understand that drug abuse is here with us. Let us face the reality and help others live a healthy life,” she said.

Speaking during the launch, the Dean of Students, Dr. Bernadette Abwao, pointed out that alcohol and drug abuse is a national disaster, especially in institutions of higher learning. She applauded the ADA Committee for its commitment to changing the mundane. “There are emerging cases of alcohol and drug abuse among our students. These are our future generation of leaders and employees who need a better direction in society. Let us come out and support this exercise for a better future,” she urged. 


The Chairperson of the ADA Committee, Dr. Dennis Omayio, addressing participants at the event.

Expressing his gratitude, the Chairperson of the ADA Committee, Dr. Dennis Omayio, noted that this is an important exercise that will enable the University to handle the challenges of drug abuse, which not only affect MMUST’s staff and students but also the community. “Alcohol and drug abuse is a threat to society and the University is not left out as a larger part of society. The exercise will help the institution to manage the issues of drug abuse, thus increasing our performance,” he stated.

Further, Dr. Omayio outlined the objectives of the survey which include; to determine psychoactive drugs abused by the University staff and students, to establish the distribution of different drugs abused by the staff and students at various levels, to find out the causes of drug abuse in the University, and to explore the effects of drug abuse on staff and students in terms of performance and productivity. He urged the participants to be honest for more efficient and effective findings, which will help in increasing productivity among staff and students.

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The ADA Committee Research Manager, Dr. Rose Opiyo, speaking during the launch.

The Research Manager (ADA Committee), Dr. Rose Opiyo, acknowledged that drug and substance abuse is a risk in society and commended NACADA for working together with the University in managing the issues of alcohol and drug abuse. She added that the exercise will enable the committee to fulfill the mandate of NACADA in supporting the national agenda of combating drug abuse.

“This is a prudent exercise and it is proof that the University values its staff and students. MMUST is a content-centered institution and this exercise will help us recognize the people around us. As we conduct the survey, we shall understand the matters affecting our staff and students, therefore finding necessary solutions to them,” said Dr. Opiyo.

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A section of the participants listening keenly during the launch.

ADA Committee members present during the launch included; Mr. Joseph Mugo, Ms. Pauline Adhiambo, Ms. Miriam Kimani, Ms. Marble Wanyonyi, Ms. Purity Muchere, and Ms. Jane Muriuki. The MMUSO Chairperson, Mr. Benjamin Mutisya, as well as the MMUSO Treasurer, Mr. Moses Ekitela, were also present.

The launch brought together ADA committee members, MMUSO leadership, and peer educators who are also research assistants on this project. Certainly, this key exercise will provide comprehensive and varied evidence-based interventions for enhancing educational outcomes. This will also help the University to achieve its performance contract on ADA-related case management for the financial year 2022/2023.

By Verna Awuor

Photos by Wangari Wambugu

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