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The School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance Conducts Community Outreach to Kakamega School for the Deaf as Part of Field Skills

The Dean SDMHA, Dr. Ferdinand Nabiswa (in red cross attire) together with staff from MMUST, Kakamega School for the Deaf and a section of students who participated in the outreach.

The School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (SDMHA), in collaboration with the Disaster Environmental Management Association (DEMA) on 29th March 2023, carried out community outreach to the Kakamega School for the Deaf. This is a compulsory practical component that is carried out as part of learning every Academic Year. It also fosters humanitarian and disaster components in the students.

Speaking during the exercise, the Dean SDMHA, Dr. Ferdinand Nabiswa noted that this is a key part of learning for the students. It instills in them the virtues of empathy, kindness, and humility. It also enables them to plan and execute humanitarian interventions.

“As the course lecturer, this Field Skills Practicum helps in bridging the gap between the classroom and the practice environment. At the end of this activity, each student will submit a report for evaluation since this is an essential part of their learning. The climax of the Field Skills Practicum will be actualized in Budalangi where the students will get exposure to real disaster interventions,” said Dr. Nabiswa.

Learners from Kakamega School for the Deaf receiving2

A section of the participants assisting in washing the clothes of the learners

The Deputy Headteacher, of Kakamega School for the Deaf, Mr. Isaac Omongo, expressed delight to the University for endeavoring to empower their learners.

“We really appreciate your donations to our school and promoting inclusivity to People living with Disabilities. Our students feel encouraged and I am certain that at the end of this exercise, they will not remain the same,” he added.

The School Representatives, Mr. Clifford Opiyo (Male- 3rd year) and Ms. Caroline Kimamo (Female-1st year) pointed out that through this exercise, they have been able to learn and share experiences with the learners. “We have been able to engage with the students to learn their challenges and know their needs as part of our learning. We appreciate fellow comrades for their selflessness and teamwork that have made this a success,” said the duo.

Reiterating his counterparts, the DEMA Director, Mr. David Omurui (1st year) appreciated their School management for offering them the opportunity to practically learn what they have been taught in class. He urged fellow comrades to continue impacting society through humanitarian interventions.

Learners from Kakamega School for the Deaf receiving3

Learners from Kakamega School for the Deaf receiving donations from MMUST team.

The students who participated in the outreach included a section of 1st year, 2nd year, and 3rd-year students pursuing  Security Intelligence, Emergency Management Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies as well as Disaster Management respectively. They offered various services to the school such as cleaning the compound, classes, and dormitories, washing, and counseling the teens. To promote bonding and integration, the students shared a drink with the learners. Similarly, they offered an assortment of donations including sugar, stationery, sanitary towels, and foodstuff; courtesy of their contributions.

The students were also accompanied by other staff from SDMHA including Mr. Leonard Nyongesa, Ms. Betty Opilo, Ms. Janerose Kimuma, and Mr. Peter Otsianda.

Indeed this is an important learning session that helps in the assessment of the students to gauge their readiness for the practice of their professions outside the classroom setting. It is also a form of Corporate Social Responsibility that boosts the image of the University and helps in transforming the community. 

By Linet Owuor

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