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MMUST Security Department Stakeholder Consultative Meeting Set to Heighten Non-resident Students’ Security

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s Security Department on 31st March 2023, held a stakeholder meeting that is set to heighten the security of non-resident students. This consultative meeting was aimed at deliberating on various issues causing insecurity to our students and coming up with recommendations to curb this menace. The key stakeholders involved in the meeting included the In-Charge Lurambi Police Post, the In-Charge Kefinco Police Patrol Base, the Chief- Bukhungu Location, Assistant Chiefs- of Mahiakalo & Sichirai, Dean of Students, Student Leaders, Wardens, Nyumba Kumi, and Boda Boda Representatives.

The meeting was chaired by the University, Chief Security Officer, Dr. Julius Mabia who noted that the insecurity of our students has become rampant and requires urgent action to address.

MMUST Chief Security Officer Dr. Julius Mabia and Mr. Benedict Shitera2

Participants during the meeting.

“With increased cases of attacks and assaults of our students in their residences, we need to come up with a long-term solution for this menace. I want us to work together to ensure that our students are safe at all times. Failure to which, we are going to withdraw our students in regions where insecurity cases are rampant. We shall not allow our students to stay in hostels that do not meet the minimum requirements that the University will roll out,” said Dr. Mabia.

Ms. Linda Omenya (representing the Dean of Students) reiterated that there it is high time for the insecurity issue to be addressed and the assailants brought to book. She urged the student leaders to sensitize comrades on their safety and encourage them to take responsibility for their lives.

Additionally, the MMUSO President, Mr. Benjamin Mutisya stated that the lives of comrades are important.

MMUST Chief Security Officer Dr. Julius Mabia and Mr. Benedict Shitera3

Participants during the meeting.

“These students are important both to the University and the community.  I am happy that we are having this meeting to come up with resolutions that will enhance the security of Comrades,” said Mr. Mutisya. His sentiments were echoed by the Vice-Chairperson, Ms. Annah Atieno who expressed delight at the University for endeavoring to protect the lives of students.

The other student leaders present were Non-Resident Representatives; Ms. Yvonne Riziki, Ms. Naomy Langat, Mr. Sammy Mwania, Mr. Armstrong Ayanga, and Mr. Jacob Ongoro. The Representatives shared various challenges students are facing in their respective regions and made recommendations that need to be implemented. Other offices from the MMUST Security Department were, Mr. Benedict Shitera, Mr. Manoah Bonface, and Dennis Munjeresa (Ismax security).

Some of the resolutions made were sensitization of students, embracing police patrol, community policing, discouraging late nights walks, putting up street lights in areas that do not have, advising landlords to have rules that regulate the entry of people in the residential areas, proper security of compounds and prompt reporting when an incidence arises. Dr. Mabia noted that they will plan for a meeting with all landlords and conduct sensitization training for non-resident students.

By Linet Owuor

Photos by Masafu Shiundu

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