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The African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE)- MMUST Chapter Continues With Mentorship Program as They Donate Sanitary Pads to Keep a Girl in School

Dr. Annette Okoth addressing the students.

The African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE)- MMUST Chapter, yesterday, 10th November 2022, continued with the STEM mentorship program and their mission of ensuring that female students do not miss their classes due to menstrual cycle by donating sanitary pads. This was patent during AWSE’s outreach activity to Mwiyala Secondary School - Kakamega. The Sanitary Pads Campaign is a key program that will certainly inhibit absenteeism among female students.

The AWSE team brought on board a national motivational speaker, Mr. John Tirop who made an extensive talk about the benefits of pursuing STEM subjects. Mr. Tirop advised the Form Three students to change their attitudes for better performance in the Science subjects. His remarkable presentation to the students marked the climax of the AWSE outreach.

“Start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can. The four pillars of success include self-belief, single focus, interest, and dream. Balance your commitments and stay focused,” encouraged Mr. Tirop.

The African Women in Science and Engineering AWSE MMUST Chapter Continues With Mentorship Program as They Donate Sanitary Pads to Keep a Girl in School22

From left; Mr. John Tirop, Dr. Annette Okoth and one of the Form 3 students doing a demonstration.

The team, led by Dr. Seline Ooko donated sanitary pads to the female students at the school and gave a career talk whose main focus was on science-oriented subjects.  “The girl child needs to be empowered to aim high in their studies and also put in effort in STEM-related subjects. MMUST is determined to support any efforts towards popularizing STEM subjects,” she said.

The Principal, of Mwiyala Secondary School, Ms. Jaqueline Wamwayi conveyed her appreciation to MMUST for choosing Mwiyala Secondary School for their outreach activity. “I am so exhilarated that you identified us among the many schools in Kakamega County. We are so blessed to have you. This is a timely venture that will transform our students for better performance. she said. 

The African Women in Science and Engineering AWSE MMUST Chapter Continues With Mentorship Program as They Donate Sanitary Pads to Keep a Girl in School45

AWSE team together with the students during sanitary pads donation.

Two student representatives who spoke after this crucial exercise attested to the great knowledge they had gained from the session. They expressed delight to the MMUST fraternity for being mindful of their futures.

“We are glad to have you in our school. Some of us were on the point of giving up because we did not know what to do. We did have someone to encourage us. Indeed, this is an appropriate undertaking that will turn around our lives due to better performances that we shall have,” they said.

The African Women in Science and Engineering AWSE MMUST Chapter Continues With Mentorship Program as They Donate Sanitary Pads to Keep a Girl in School777

A section of the AWSE team.

Other notable personalities at the event included Mwiyala Secondary School Board Member, Beatrice Barasa, MMUST’s Dr. Fridah Njeru, Dr. Annette Okoth, Dr. Mary Gorretty Kariaga, Ms. Judy Dipondo, Ms. Purity Muchere and MMUST students who are STEM ambassadors.

Such initiatives expose students to experiential and inquiry-based learning opportunities outside of the classroom to boost students' interest in STEM. Effective Science outreach of this nature is fun and rewarding, and it is what society greatly needs at this time!

by Linet Owuor

Photos by Wilberforce Shiundu

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