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MMUST Strategizes on Enhancing Career Opportunities for Students and Alumni

IMG 3312MMUST through the Directorate of Career Services has increased efforts to implement strategies that will ensure students and alumni are economically viable with enhanced career opportunities, locally and globally. This was during a workshop organized by the MMUST Careers Management Board that worked towards aligning the MMUST Career Policy to the recent Government Strategy document, at the Busia Agricultural Training Center, on 22nd and 23rd August, 2018. The University’s Director of Career Services, Dr. Teresa Okoth, said that MMUST was the second public university to establish a Career Service Centre, even before the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education Amb. (Dr) Amina Mohamed officially unveiled the National Office with its Career Services Guidelines in Kenya. 

During the Busia workshop, Professor Caren Ouma, an expert in Management and International Business from the United States International University (USIU), said that the Directorate of Career Services, by harmonizing the MMUST policy to the Government Strategy document, will help strengthen linkages between MMUST and various economic sectors locally and globally, which would greatly benefit students and alumni. The Chair of MMUST Career Services Board, Dr. Nicholas Ombachi, urged the team and the University at large to work towards strengthening the Alumni Office to increase opportunities for students and alumni in the highly competitive world.

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