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Once Again, MMUST’s Prolific Researcher and Astute Scholar Prof. Maurice Omolo Grabs Global Attention Through Impactful Vector Biology Training Project!!

We are delighted to inform you that Prof. Maurice Omollo’s collaborative NIH training grant, ‘Support for Vector Biology Training for Sustainable Control of Vector Borne Diseases in East Africa’; got awarded approximately USD 1.2M. The lead institution in Kenya for the exciting project is the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Institute (KALRO) while the MMUST team is led by Prof. Maurice Omolo.   He is also  the Centre Leader of MMUST's Centre for African Medicinal and Nutritional Flora and Fauna (CAMNFF). Prof. Omolo hails from the School of Natural Sciences (SONAS) which is led by Dr. Joseph Owino.

 The other members of the MMUST team are: Prof. Elizabeth Omukunda, Prof. Gordon Nguka and Dr. Evans Raballa. The current CoD of Optometry and Vision Sciences-Dr. Christine Wanjala, is the MMUST postdoc student on the project.

The project has drawn membership from a multiplicity of institutions, including, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST),Yale School of Public Health (YSPH)- USA, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Vector and Vector Borne Institute (VVBDI), Gulu University (Uganda), the East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) from Tanzania.

The lead researchers from the participating institutions will train postdocs or early-career scientists across East Africa in Vector Biology Research and Control of Vector Borne Diseases.

Congratulations Prof. Omollo and team!!!!!!!

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