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MMUST Set to Partner With Kenyan Nurse Consultants in Offering IELTS on Paper (IOP) and on Computer (IOC) Exams

MMUST together with KenyanNurse Consultants Ltd teams during the visit.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology is set to partner with the KenyanNurse Consultants Ltd in offering International English Language Testing System (IELTS) on Paper (IOP) and Computer (IOC) exams. This was revealed during the visit by a delegation from KenyanNurse Consultants Ltd led by the CEO- Mr. Caleb Wafula who paid a courtesy call to the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation), Prof. Charles Mutai.

The visit which took place today, 12th May 2023, is geared towards enabling MMUST’s students pursuing nursing to acquire training skills through a webinar platform where their proficiency in various aspects of listening, reading, writing, and speaking in English will be tested. It is a requirement for any nurse aspiring to work abroad, especially in English-speaking countries.

MMUST together with KenyanNurse Consultants2

Officers from the KenyanNurse Consultants Ltd.

The consultancy offers information pertaining to nursing jobs in English-speaking countries including; the UK, USA, Canada, and Ireland. The partnership comes with more benefits including; wooing more prospective nursing students across and beyond the nation as well as getting accreditation by British Council as an IELTS exam centre.

Speaking during the meeting, Prof. Mutai applauded the Dean, the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedical Sciences (SONMAPS) for a tremendous job in training holistic nurses. Equally, the Dean SONMAPS - John Mr. Arudo noted that the School is determined to have IELTS exams to widen the chances of job opportunities for their students.

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KenyanNurse Consultants Ltd led by the CEO- Mr. Caleb Wafula (speaking) and Dean SONMAPS - John Mr. Arudo during the meeting.

Mr. Wafula revealed that the institution is having the biggest collaboration with the British Council where they share jobs with clients, and are actively building in recruitment. He added that some of the requirements needed are; 50 tables, a separate room for speaking, and a writing room. The students will be required to pay Ksh. 29, 000 for exams.

In attendance were; the Director ICT- Mr. Geoffrey Kones, Manager (MMUST Enterprises)- CPA Michael Wanjala, and Central Services- Mr. Allan Anguba from MMUST; Mr. Allan Seurey, Ms. Caren Koech, and Ms. Brenda Imali from the KenyanNurse Consultants Limited.

By Ivy Alivitsa

Photos by Linet Owuor

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