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National Council for People With Disabilities (NCPWDN) Sensitizes MMUST University Management Board on Disability Mainstreaming Issues

Workshop participants.

The National Council for People With Disabilities (NCPWD), on 16th May 2023 sensitized the University Management Board on the need to mainstream disability at the institution to meet the needs of students with disability. The purpose of this workshop was to create awareness of disability and to improve the living, and studying environment for people with disabilities at the University. This workshop organized by the AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit led by Prof. Gladys Mengich, was held at Golf Hotel- Kakamega.

 The event was graced by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, noted that mainstreaming disability to promote the rights of persons with disabilities is a matter of basic social justice the University is keen to embrace. He further noted that University Management will do its best to ensure that the recommendations illustrated by NCPWD are implemented. The Vice-Chancellor was also accompanied by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs),  Prof. Hussein Golicha, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation),  Prof. Charles Mutai, and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration and Finance) Prof.  John Kuria Thuo.  


A section of UMB members at the workshop.

The workshop facilitator, Ms. Jane Wamugu from NCPWD stated that the role of NCPWD is to develop policies, measures and programmes designed to achieve equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities.  It also recommends policies to prevent discrimination against persons with disabilities

Ms Wamugu highlighted certain projects or programmes that the (NCPWD) offers; Economic empowerment programmes, scholarship, economic programmes, advocacy and awareness that is; disability calendar days, infrastructure and equipment support to learning institutions. She noted that the total number of employment countrywide for people with disability is 1.3 % employed and 5% reserved employees. 


Ms. Wamugu making a presentation at the workshop.

She further presented a comprehensive audit report on Accessibility and Usability of the University structures to the managers. She assessed various sections of the University including different locations; staircases, ramps, signage, parking areas, accessibility areas, toilets/ sanitary rooms, boardrooms, drop-off areas, reception, ICT room, and employment percentage, tenders awarded to people with disability, equipment control and switches.

She pointed out that the University has conformed to various guidelines set by the Council. “MMUST has met our targets in various ways including; appropriate lighting, standard staircase and ramps, and proper signage provided to different pathways. I am pleased to report to you that the library is the most accessible building to people with disabilities,” she added.

Indeed, this is an important exercise for the University. Different entities need to ensure that their respective spheres of responsibility provide the necessary opportunities and access to persons with disabilities, on an equal basis with others.


By Linet Owuor and Millicent Masitsa

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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