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MMUST Strengthens Capacity for Innovation through IPR Training

IMG 2245MMUST is on the path to strengthen capacity in research and innovation, which are vital components of economic development. Through a workshop on 3rd August 2018, organized by the Directorate of Science Park, Innovation and Incubation Centre (SPIIC), researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators were trained on the importance of incorporating innovation into their research activities while safeguarding their intellectual properties.

Mr. Fred Otswong’o, a Patent Specialist, explained the necessity of patenting for all innovative works, which can be compared to an open secret letter to the public. He encouraged staff to work on innovative ideas, as he commended MMUST for being among the leading universities in patenting. Dr. Roselida Owuor, an official from the Ministry of Education informed the participants that Science, Technology and Innovation Act 2013, provided for establishment of the Kenya Innovation Agency (KENIA), which funds innovative ideas that have the potential for upscaling. MMUST has elevated SPIIC to a major innovation hub in Western Kenya. The director SPIIC Dr. John Muoma said that the hub enables innovators and researchers to work with the community for better output.

While gracing the occasion, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Eng. Fred Otieno emphasized on the importance of incorporating innovative ideas into research activities. He noted that this approach aligns to the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and the Presidential Big Four Agenda. Knowledge on innovation will empower youth with the capacity for self employment and wealth creation.

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