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MMUST is Hosting Carnegie Diaspora Fellows a for Two-Month Academic Engagement

The Carnegie Diaspora Fellows (seated center), together with the MMUST team.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) is hosting two Carnegie Diaspora Fellows for two-month academic engagements at the University. The engagement will entail various activities including co-supervision of post-graduate students in specified programs, co-development and review of Msc/Ph.D. programs, Co-design of research/ community engagement activities, and knowledge mobilization. The diaspora fellows are Prof. Grace Keengwe from the University of North Dakota, and Prof. Newton Nyairo from Langston University. They will be attached to the School of Education (SEDU) and the School of Agriculture, Veteran Science and Technology (SAVET) respectively.

The duo paid a courtesy call to the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, (Planning, Research and Innovation). Speaking during the meeting, the Ag. Registrar, Planning, Research and Innovation, Prof. Alice Ndiema (representing the DVC, PRI) stated that the exchange program will develop a student-oriented program that will enhance our capacity to produce high-quality research outputs and participate meaningfully in the development of grant-winning proposals.

MMUST is Hosting Carnegie Diaspora2

The Ag. Director of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL), Dr. Rose Opiyo taking notes during the courtesy call at DVC PRI.

The visiting scholars were received by the Ag. Director of International Relations and Academic Linkages, Dr. Rose Opiyo who is the host fellow together with Dr. Eveline Mmbone. Dr. Opiyo noted that this exchange program will strengthen the capacity of the Schools in mentorship/supervision of postgraduate students through Trainer of Trainers (ToT) workshops and enhance the skills and competencies for undertaking research and acquisition of grants in the University.

Notably, such  innovative fellowship programs are key to the University as it enables knowledge production, foster international collaborative networks, and increase visibility of the African higher education institutions. It also facilitates engagements between scholars born in Africa who are now based in the United States or Canada and scholars in Africa on mutually beneficial academic activities.

By Linet Owuor

Photos by Shiundu Masafu

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