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The School of Business and Economics Empowers Its Researchers With Requisite Skills in Writing Winning Grant Proposals

SOBE Grant writing workshop participants.

MMUST’s School of Business and Economics (SOBE) has empowered its researchers with requisite skills in writing a winning grant proposal. This was during a one-day, grant writing- workshop that was held on 23rd May, 2023 at the Golf Hotel Kakamega. The workshop entailed in-depth discussions on the grant writing process, including understanding the purpose of grants, identifying funding sources, and the importance of effective proposals.

The event was graced by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo who emphasized on the mandate of the University, saying that they should be known for research and innovation. Prof. Shibairo challenged the team to find a balance between research, teaching and other responsibilities as he dissuaded them from the culture of part timing.

“Research allows both professors and other researchers to delve deep into their field of study, develop specialized expertise and contribute towards advancement of knowledge. Additionally, it also puts them at the forefront of their areas of specialization, making significant contributions through discoveries, innovations and publications that enriches teaching, benefits students and enhances the University’s image,” said Prof. Shibairo.

Further, he reminded the participants of his vision, stating that he is committed to focusing on research as a key pillar in the development of the University.

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The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, addressing the participants during the workshop.

Speaking during the event, the Director of Research and Postgraduate Support, Prof. Peter Bukhala noted that his office had budgeted a sum of one hundred and eighty-one thousand (181,000/=) Kenyan shillings for all Schools within the University, to be used for such workshops. He commended the SOBE researchers for utilizing their allocation.

Prof. Bukhala urged the researchers to use the baseline results for their research funded by the University Research Fund (URF)-seed money, to upscale their proposals to attract external funding as a strategy for increasing resource mobilization. He also encouraged them to embrace multidisciplinary research teams' approach to enhance the quality of their proposals.

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A section of the participants at the workshop.

“Formation of multidisciplinary research teams in grant proposal writing brings together diverse expertise that offer a comprehensive approach to complex issues. It also gives room for collaboration and knowledge exchange, which enhances the impact of our research proposals and consequently increasing funding opportunities,” noted Prof.  Bukhala.

The Dean SOBE, Prof. Robert Egessa stressed that research is one of the key functions of any University. He highlighted other benefits such as generation of knowledge, driving innovation, and benefiting society besides contributing to the reputation and influence of universities across the world. Further, Prof. Egessa encouraged his team to make use of the training to brainstorm on how to increase the departmental research outputs as well as increase its ability to win grants. 


The Dean SOBE, Prof. Robert Egessa leading group discussions during plenary sessions.

Another facilitator at the workshop, the Chief Officer in charge of Risk Management and Service Delivery Unit at the County Government of Kakamega, Dr. Phitalis Were Masakhwe made a presentation on ‘Award Winning Grant making and Proposal Writing for Fundraising.’ He noted that resource mobilization should be part of the University’s strategic plan to augment resource gaps.

“Development money is shrinking with the rising challenges such as climate change and conflicts. There is a need for us to approach grant writing in a smarter way by focusing on emerging issues, which require intervention since donors are interested in funding interventions,” he stated.

The Chief Officer in charge of Risk Management and Service Delivery Unit at the County Government of Kakamega

The Chief Officer in charge of Risk Management and Service Delivery Unit at the County Government of Kakamega, Dr. Phitalis Were Masakhwe, making a presentation at the workshop.

Grant writing workshops builds a sense of teamwork among researchers, which contributes to the advancement of knowledge as well as societal impact through collaborative research endeavors. It enables them to be successful in an increasingly competitive funding market, which in turn, supports the University's research goals. 

By: Caren Nekesa

Photos by: Linet Owuor

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