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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Marks First Ever Gender Awareness Day

Participants pose for a group photo after the event.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology on 29th May, 2023, marked its first ever gender awareness day. The event themed ‘The Gender Agenda’, was graced by the Vice chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo who was accompanied by the Deputy Vice Chancellors Academic and Student Affairs as well as Planning, Research and Innovation, Prof. Hussein Golicha and Prof. Charles Mutai respectively. The memorable event was organized by the AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit, under the leadership of the Coordinator, Prof. Gladys Mengich and attended by the University’s teaching and non-teaching staff as well as students.

Speaking during the official launch of the event, Prof. Shibairo noted that the University believes in giving equal opportunity to all genders. He shared his journey on the same when he assumed office in the year 2020, quoting among many other accomplishments, having successfully promoted eight females to Associate Professors. Prof. Shibairo however, stated that he was disappointed for having promoted none to full professorship. He encouraged women to step up and take on leadership positions, saying that it is an important aspect of promoting gender equality and achieving a more balanced representation in various fields.

“We do not just promote women because we want to achieve the gender threshold. They must fulfill the requirements and that is what we are working on. I hope that soon, we will be promoting more women to professorship,” said Prof. Shibairo. 

the Chairperson Gender Mainstreaming Committe231

 The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo addressing the participants during the event.

In his address, Prof. Charles Mutai pointed out that men and women complement each other. He shared that women play a central role in the societies, citing that nearly 90% of the resilience that we see are steered by women. Prof. Mutai urged the Gender Mainstreaming Unit team to continue sensitizing people on gender, stressing that it is very important.  “We all have similar IQs and we perform equally. However, provision of a conducive environment can enable everyone to perform well,” he stated. He emphasized on the fact that the University gives equal opportunities in employment, representations in the unions, students leadership and many others.  

The DVC ASA, Prof. Hussein Golicha made a case on the biblical, traditional and modern approach to gender. He noted that many areas of society are still dominated by men including politics, business, and leadership positions, as women are hindered by barriers such as discrimination that limits their representation. Further, Prof. Golicha acknowledged that women are increasingly breaking barriers and achieving success in various domains as efforts to promote gender equality and address gender disparities continue to gain momentum globally. He also discussed the crucial role of women in the societies, and challenged the participants to become aware of the presence of the other gender, without which the other cannot exist. 

The DVC ASA Prof

The DVC ASA, Prof. Hussein Golicha making a point.

Expressing her delight, the Coordinator AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit, Prof. Gladys Mengich stated that creating awareness on gender is crucial for promoting equality, addressing discrimination and breaking stereotypes as well as empowering individuals. This, she said, plays a vital role in fostering a more inclusive, just, and equitable society for all genders.

Additionally, she encouraged the MMUST community to join hands and actively engage in conversations that will create and enhance a non-discriminatory environment for equal opportunities and empowerment where every stakeholder will enjoy equal rights.

The Chairperson Gender Mainstreaming Committee, Prof. John O. Shiundu, appreciated the participants for making time to participate in the event.  He shared that he strongly believes in gender equality and mainstreaming and as a result, he has had the privilege to serve under the gender movement in the University for over twenty years.

“As old as humanity itself, dating from the time of creation, issues of gender have been with us. We continue to witness an evolution that is steered by the development and implementation of policies and legislation to promote gender equality. Gender mainstreaming, awareness campaigns and advocacy continue to highlight the importance of gender equality and women's empowerment. Today when I look at MMUST, I don’t see as many issues of gender as I did before. I am confident that we have achieved so much in gender mainstreaming and we shall continue to push for the same, for we are one,” he said. 

The Chairperson Gender Mainstreaming Committe

The Chairperson Gender Mainstreaming Committee, Prof. John O. Shiundu making his remarks during the event.

The Chief guest who is also the Regional Coordinator, National Gender and Equality Commission Mr. Davies Okeyo expressed his delight over joining the University in marking this special day.

“Today marks a great day for us as a commission and we truly celebrate you, as you launch your gender awareness day. We hope that this day shall become a key part of the University’s strategy of promoting diversity and inclusivity among students, staff as well as other key stakeholders such as the community,” said Mr. Okeyo.

He went further, reminding the participants that gender equality is a fundamental human right, a necessary foundation for a peaceful institution, country as well as a prosperous and sustainable world. He also noted that gender mainstreaming is an essential element of good governance, which ensures that the policies running in the institution respond to the various needs, concerns and interests of all stakeholders.

Further, Mr. Okeyo cited article 2 sub-sections 5 and 6 of the Kenya Constitution 2010, reminding the participants that the issue of gender is no longer a foreign thing but one fully embraced in the country. “As a nation, we are making progressive strides towards achieving gender equality using various policies at the national level, counties and even in institutions. We appreciate that the MMUST is on track for you have well detailed gender and GBV policies. Besides, you have always submitted reports on time as part of the performance contracting,” he added.   

30th may 2023

From left; the Regional Coordinator, National Gender and Equality Commission Mr. Davies Okeyo; the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo; the Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning Research and Innovation, Prof. Charles Mutai; and the Chairperson Gender Mainstreaming Committee, Prof. John Oyula Shiundu

It is also worth noting that the University Unions, KUSU and KUDHEIHA were represented by their leaders Mr. Gregory Lidzanga and Mr. Victor Amasese respectively. The two also acknowledged that issues of gender have been affecting a good number of individuals at places of work. They encouraged the participants to voice these concerns for assistance.

Additionally, the two acknowledged that MMUST has made great milestones with regard to ensuring gender in its activities. The Union representatives asked the gender mainstreaming unit to involve them in their activities, in future.

“We are happy that gender is being observed here at the University. My plea is that you continue working with us as the worker’s representatives because in our terms of service as KUSU, we have dedicated clause 26 of our CBA on issues of gender. We support you,” said Mr. Lidzanga.

The students’ fraternity was represented by the Student Executive Council members in charge of Special Interests and Treasurer, Ms. Loice Achieng’ and Mr. Ekitela Ebenyo Moses.

Research shows that the gender agenda is driven by the principles of equality, human rights, and social justice, which aims to create a more equitable and inclusive society where all individuals can thrive regardless of their gender identity. Additionally, it is also indisputable that the gender agenda should involve collaborative efforts from governments, civil society organizations, activists, and individuals to address gender-based disparities and create positive change. As we join the international community in celebrating the International Women's and Men's Days, which are observed on March 8th and November 19th every year, respectively, we should continue to raise awareness about gender equality and promote the rights and well-being of both women and men.  

By Caren Ms. Caren Nekesa 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu 

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