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MMUST Conducts Workshop to Sensitize Staff on Mental Health, in Line with SDG Number 3!

Participants at the sensitization workshop.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology has set in motion a series of workshops to sensitize staff on mental health, in line with SDG number 3. The workshop which was held on 7th June, 2023 was aimed at raising awareness about mental health and the reducing stigma associated with mental illness. It was steered by the Coordinator, AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit, Prof. Gladys Mengich.  

The Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning, Research and Innovation, Prof. Charles Mutai officially opened the workshop. Speaking at the workshop he said that mental health is an important area for the community, adding that in many families we have a lot of pressure that results in stress and mental disorder.

“Trauma affects one’s mental health. Terminal diseases also escalate our stress levels, thereby affecting our mental health. Mental disorders are also caused by genetics due to hormonal imbalance. As a University we are committed to providing a conducive environment for staff and students.  Let us set aside time to relax,” he said.

Deputy Vice Chancellor PRI Prof. Charles Mutai speaking at the workshop 9th 6 2023

Deputy Vice Chancellor (PR&I) Prof. Charles Mutai speaking at the workshop.

Prof. Gladys Mengich gave an overview of the work of the ACGDMU saying that there are new ways to manage stress. Concurring with Prof. Mengich, the Registrar PRI, Prof. Alice Ndiema advised participants to interact and speak more in order to release stress.

Ms. Roselyn Abwalaba who represented Chairperson, Aids Control Unit, Prof. Elizabeth Omukunda said that there was a team in place to check the non- communicable diseases such as; Hypertension and Diabetes. “Our Mental health is very important. There are a lot of cases of depression. When employees are stressed performance goes down”, said Ms. Abwalaba. She added that the unit will ensure that the mental health of employees is taken care of.

Commenting on the importance of communication to good mental health, the Director, Corporate Communications and Marketing, Dr. Lydia Anyonje pointed out that mental health is critical to all human beings. “How we respond to other people communicates and determines our stress levels. Communicate to other people the way you would like to be communicated to. In order to thrive mentally mind the way we should smile more and communicate better with others,” She stated.

Mr. Felix Ambuche from the MMUST clinic gave an overview on mental health as well as the Comorbities associated with stress. “Depression is one of the leading causes of disability and suicide is the 4th leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds. Many mental health conditions can be effectively treated at relatively low cost,” he said. He also discussed mental health continuum, common types of mental health and mental health promotion and protection.

Deputy Vice Chancellor PRI Prof. Charles Mutai speaking at the workshop 9th 6 2023b

Deputy Vice Chancellor addressing the participants during the event.

Ms. Rose Abwalaba tackled stress and stress management at work. “Over 87% of adults globally suffer stress and stress related symptoms and 63% of workers are ready to quit their jobs because of work related stress. Stress is not an illness but it can cause serious illness if it isn’t addressed,” she said. She later spoke about types of stress, symptoms of stress, causes of stress, risks associated with stress and how to avoid them.

Clearly, mental health is as important as physical health and must be nurtured. Positive mental health at work helps staff to flourish in their roles, manage stress and boosts resilience. Good health and well-being is critical to the mental health and emotional stability of staff, This sensitization by MMUST is a commendable method of ensuring that this happens.

By; Melody Mutua and Sylvia Shibutuli 

Photos by; Shiundu Masafu

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